Chapter Fifteen

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Riley's POV:

"Michael, I need to ask you something."


"What happens when you leave? What happens to us?"

"You come with me."

That's how it went down. That's how I was standing in an airport, getting ready to board an airplane to Australia to spend Christmas with my... boyfriend. It had been a week, and I still wasn't used to calling him that.

Literally, we had that conversation three days earlier, and I quit my job, sold my dad's apartment and packed my things. Michael took care of all the complicated airport crap that needed done, like my passport, my ticket, and all that jazz.

We had already checked in, gotten through security, and checked our bags. All that was left was to wait u til they called us to board the plane. We would be riding first class, but since I'd never been on an airplane before, I didn't really care. I was freaking nervous as crap, and couldn't sit still for more than five seconds. Remember how elevators made me feel? Well, this was about a thousand times worse, and I wasn't even on yet.

"I don't think I can do this, Mikey." I said in a shaky voice. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. Then we heard the first call for flight 283, to Australia, and I lost it. My hands started shaking and I couldn't breath evenly. This was the first panic attack I'd had in weeks, and it was horrible. The only thing that was different about this one, was Michael. I had him, and he knew just how to make me feel better.

"Hey, hey, it'll be alright. I've been on lots of planes, and nothings ever happened to me." I tried to respond, but my voice was gone. He pulled me into his chest and held onto me as I tried to calm down. It was like there was something magical in his cologne that helped me relax, because as soon as I could smell it in his shirt and feel his heartbeat, I was fine.

We took our small bags, with the few items we would need while we were on the plane, and headed toward the gate. Calum and Luke were already boarding, - impatient losers - and Lisa, the Pizza Hut employee and Ashton's friend-girl, was there with him hugging it out, sad that she wouldn't get to see him for the next few months. The thought made me sad, because even though they weren't technically 'together' they were still close, and I knew it was hard to lose someone who was close to you.

Michael and I walked through the gate and onto the plane, and quickly found our seats. It was very comfortable, and the sets even layed out into a small bed. Michael and I were right next to each other too, which made it easy.

It wasn't long until the plane was going down the runway, picking up speed and preparing to take to the air. I was holding onto Michael for dear life, probably suffocating him, cutting off his air supply, but I couldn't bring myself to loosen my grip.

God bless Michael for putting up with me, and being so sweet and gentle. He held onto me, and stroked my messy, unbrushed hair as the plane lifted off, and whispered soothingly into my ear as I hid my face in his neck. He was even gracious enough to take the window seat and let me sit away from the window, that way I wouldn't have to look out when I opened my eyes.

Soon enough, I felt the plane stop rising, and I slowly peeked out from my hiding place. Michael looked like he was asleep, but he was still holding me as if his life depended on it. I smiled and sat up a bit, then tilted my head at him. I reached out with one finger, and poked his cheek, and giggled when he shook his head and his eyes popped open. He looked at me and smiled.

"How are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm fine... and I mean it." I said.

"Good." He yawned, and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Tired, much?" He smiled.

"Planes wear me out." He responded. That was all he said, before he leaned his seat back and fell asleep.


I took my two big bags from the baggage claim, and turned to look at Michael, who was still half asleep, hoisting his bag over his shoulder. He wrapped his free ark around my waist and put his head on my shoulder like a baby. I kissed his forehead and leaned my own head against his. I didn't sleep well on that plane, and it was a long, long flight.

I heard a voice behind us, and turned around to see a woman running our way. "Mikey! Mikey, is that you?" Michael turned around and was immediately pulled into a hug. "Oh, my baby boy is finally home!"

"It's good to see you too, Mum." He coughed out, due to the breath being knocked out of him when she hugged him. She backed up and patted the boy's cheek, then spotted me standing behind him and gasped.

"It's this Riley? Oh, Michael, she's even more beautiful than you described her! Come here, come here darling, let me give you a hug!" I smiled and dropped my bags, and stepped forward to hug the woman. "I'm so happy to finally meet you! My Michael has told me so much about you." My cheeks turned pink at the thought of Michael telling his mother about me.

"I'm happy to meet you to, Mrs. Clifford." I said when she pulled back.

"Oh no, no, no, no. Please call me Karen. None of this Mrs. nonsense!" She said, and I nodded.

"Yes ma'am.... I mean... Karen." She smiled.

I'm Not Fine At All  》Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now