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Yuzuru's POV

Holy mother of flying pancakes what the hell what the hell what the hell--

She nearly found out.

How did she find out about my asthma?

I look down at the blue inhaler in my hands, cap still discarded on the bench after use.

My thoughts lingered to the day when Mother passed me the brown bag with my inhaler in it.

Did she?

Deep breaths, Yuzu, I reminded myself.

Since young, my teachers all had to worry and hover over me just because I had asthma. Coaches didn't dare to assign me more training menus because of my asthma. Asthma is such a burden. I'd get teased over my asthma, especially by schoolmates.

I didn't want to burden Coach Brian, so I left my "medical history" blank. As a result, I often got winded by his training menus. But it's worth it, I often tell myself. I'll get stronger from the hard training menus.

I check the time --I'm late--, and sloppily stuff my inhaler in my bag, brisk walking back to the ice.

Javi punches my shoulder as I return. "Evil little fella, slackin', were we?" He jokes.

I give a sheepish grin and hope I don't look too pale.

Right. Let's do some spins.


At the end of the day, while we untied our skates, I see Ko reading in the office, sipping on a cup of coffee.

I stand up, trying to hop towards the door in my socks and an untied sneaker.

"Whoa bro where are you going?" Nam asks, tugging on my shirt.

"I need to...give passport to Coach," I utter, getting my passport from my bag. "Competition, remember?" I point.

I dash out, with my passport, and look for Coach.

He's at the reception office, filling some forms.

"Coach Brian, here's my passport," I say as I hand him the passport. I cast sideway glances at Koharu, who continues to sip her coffee.

Coach says a soft "Thanks, Yuzu," and heads back to the rink, leaving the two of us.

The situation gets awkward once again.

"Hey." I try to spark a conversation in Japanese.

"Hey." She replies.

"Dinner you want tonight have?" I stutter, jumbling all my words together.

She raises an eyebrow, looking as if she's about to burst out laughing.

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