Hips Don't Lie

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Koharu's POV

My head snaps up as I hear a loud thud and a soft whimper.

There are gasps and looks from others, and laying on the ice are Yuzuru and Tadashi.

I quickly grab my first aid kit and rush to the rink side, and Yuzuru is leaning on the walls, rubbing his hip, Nam helping him with some water.

He seems to be fine, so I move on to the next casualty, and I gingerly step on ice, trying not to kill myself while on the slippery surface.

It's very easy to kill yourself while trying to balance on this ice. Slippery shit.


Something we learnt in medical school.

How to prioritise your patients.

So that if anything happens, the ones with serious injuries would be saved first.

So that people like my brother wouldn't die.

I shake off my random thoughts.

Tadashi is groaning on the ice, and I tap him.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" I whisper, looking for any signs of injury.

He looks fine.

He turns his head, and there's a small trickle of blood from the side, hidden by his mop of hair.

"Can you stand? Let's go to the side, I'll check that out," I say, getting up and waddling back to solid ground. The cut doesn't look that deep, so it's better to treat it on the benches, rather than get his butt wet on the ice.

Javi helps Tadashi up, and I hear him wincing, and I turn around, but I slip and fall on the ice.

"Are you okay?" Tadashi laughs, holding my hand as I get up, embarrassed.

"Yeah, 'm fine," I mumble, a little frustrated.

I can see Yuzu staring at me from the sides, a tinge of anger in his dark eyes.

What's his problem?

It takes me for minutes to find and treat the small cut in Tadashi's scalp, just above his ear.

And he was fussing like a little kitten.

I grab my stitch pouch again, and my mind drifts to the time I treated Yuzuru's cut.

He was snickering at me, a grown lady, in med school, with a stitch pouch.

"That's a cute bag you have," Tadashi says in Japanese.

A small smile makes its way on my cheeks, and I put a small plaster on the cut, patting his arm, as if to say good boy.


"Where's Yuzu?" I ask Javi.

"I dunno, chica," he shrugs.

I pop over to the office.

"Hey Brian, where's Yuzu?" I ask, looking around.

Pooh's still sitting by the rink side, but his luggage is gone.

"Oh, I asked him to rest, and he left. Is Tadashi okay?" He asked.

"Um, yeah. Just a tiny nick. I'll go check up on Yuzu," I mumble, half-hearted, quickly grabbing my backpack, rushing to the entrance.

I grab Yuzu's Pooh, just in case he needed comfort.

I jog along the route home, and I spot him on the driveway, his luggage towed behind him.

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