A Cup of Hot Chocolate

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OMFG it finally hit 1k reads I am so thankful for everyone out here reading my puny story (with a lot of plot holes may I just mention that I wrote about Yuzu and Koharu sharing a silver bracelet in chap 1 and NEVER mentioned it again bc I forgot) this is why I'm a bad author I'm sorry


Yuzuru's POV

As the sun lazily slides below the horizon, the field gets darker and darker, especially since it's in the rural part of Toronto. There's nothing here but a small house belonging to an old couple.

I wish we'll be like that in the future too.

Just the two of us, retired, my legs too feeble to even walk, not to mention skate and do crazy quads. Her hands too ridden with tremors to be an effective doctor. We'll lose the main career of our lives, but we'll grow old together, enjoy the last light of lives together, just like we were destined to be.

The street lights start to flicker on as the darkness approaches. It's nearly 7.30, and it's pretty much dark already. My old bicycle stands quietly in the dark, beside the lamp pole.

I used to be afraid of the dark when I was young. In the night, when I had to pee, I would wriggle around, hop on one foot, just do about anything just to avoid having to go to the toilet alone in the dark.

I'd wake my mother up, and she'd accompany me, and tell me stories about the stars. They all had names, and there were millions and millions and billions of little stars lighting my path up for me, so that if one day, if mama was gone, they would guide me wherever I wished to go, including the toilet, she said.


I told my mother I would be home before 8.30.

But I decide not to disturb Koharu, who's sleepy and contented, her head on my chest, rising and falling with my slow breaths.



"Look," I point towards the night sky, where the darkness gave prominence to the infinite tiny stars.

"We both came from Sendai. We both went through the Great Disaster. We thought we wouldn't see light, wouldn't see hope or even our futures. But it was the darkness that made the light even brighter. It strengthened us; pushed us to accomplish feats we never though possible, and the stars led us through so many hardships, but they led us to each other too. Our fate, written and sealed in the stars; it was destined for us to meet."

I have no idea what I am saying.

She nodded.

"You make great sandwiches."

"I try to be romantic to my girlfriend and all she has to say is that I make good sandwiches. Thank you, Koharu," I grunt, exasperated.

So much for thinking about all these romantic stuff beforehand.

In went the empty plates and wrappers, the clink of the empty bottles and the faint scent of fresh orange juice lingered as we packed up quietly, Koharu occasionally teasing me about the stars.

"Oh, we were destined to live and die together,"  she says with a flick of her hair.

"Like totally, yeah" I attempt in a nasal voice.

I'm not sure why, but I feel uneasy again.

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