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The heat of the two suns beat down heavily over the scorched ground of the desert planet, Tatooine. Strong winds blew sand and dirt around the figure traveling along one of the large sand dunes, a canine like creature walking along behind. The canine like beast, an Anooba, was nearly as large lengthwise as the human figure it was following, its coat of white fur and dark gray stripes was dusty with a coating of sand. They come to a stop at the top of the sand dune, the persons robes flapping wildly in the winds, yet their hood and the piece of cloth over their face stayed put, the goggles they wore as well. As their robes move unpredictably in the wind, it revealed a bag to be hung over their shoulder and a weapon attached to their belt, meant to be hidden. The figure reaches up to pull the hood down, the goggles were also pulled down to settle at their neck. They were revealed to be a female, a large grin was on her face as she spotted her destination just ahead. She looks at the large beast now sitting at her side, she reaches down to ruffle the already unkempt fur on its head and exclaims excitedly,

"We finally made it, Mahnuu! I know the travel was a bit rough even though we weren't too far, but it'll pay off! Come on boy!"

She starts down the sand dune, carefully but at a quick pace. The beast gives a short yipping sound and follows after, speeding ahead of her, due to its species being native to the planet, he was more adept to the sand than she. He reaches the bottom much faster than her and waits there, his long tail swaying in the sand. As soon as she got to the bottom, she races forward with the canine beast at her heals.

"Luke! Luke, we're here!"

The girl calls out loudly, her voice carrying far over the large expanse of land. The destination she and her companion had reached was the small home of her friend, Luke Skywalker. They were nearly the same age of nineteen, him only being four months older than herself. Although they don't get to see each other as often as they'd like, they both shared a common dream: to finally get off of Tatooine and explore the galaxy, hopefully they'd be able to do it side by side. Over the time the two of them have been friends, she's grown to have strong feelings for him, feelings she'd rather not have in the first place. The thoughts of how she felt towards her friend were quickly pushed away as he emerges from the garage, his face lighting up upon seeing her. He breaks out into a light jog, even more so quickly closing the remaining distance between them. As soon as they reached each other he wraps his arms around her waist, hoisting her up in the air. He holds her close to his chest, she places her hands against his shoulders as he spins them around in a circle.

"Luke!" she cries out between laughter,

"Put- Put me down!"

He does as she says, only to bring her into a tight hug immediately after. She lets her head rest against him, comfort coming over her as his arms are kept wrapped around her small frame. A soft sigh passes her pink lips, the feelings for him resurfaced in her mind as they hugged. They pull apart as Mahnuu forces himself between the two of them, she shakes her head slightly and ruffles the fur on his head again.

"Come inside," Luke says while taking hold of one of her hands,

"I have something for you."

He starts to lead her back to his garage with Mahnuu following behind the pair, she looks down at their adjoining hands, the feeling of butterflies settling in her stomach. An almost pained expression goes unnoticed across her face as she realizes something, something that truly hurt her. They could never be together, no matter how much she wanted it, no matter how much she cared for him. It was all because of a certain set of rules she followed, and it didn't matter what she felt towards him, she would always do her best to follow those rules.

They go down the few steps and enter Luke's garage, Mahnuu knowing better and staying outside. The door slides closed behind them, Luke lets go of her hand as well as they head to his workroom. She always enjoyed seeing the things he would build, in a way it made her proud to see he was capable of making such things. She takes a seat on a short bench next to his work table, also suddenly remembering one of the reasons she came there in the first place. Pulling her bag onto her lap, she moves her robes out of the way to open it while saying,

Episode 1: A New Hope // Luke SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now