Authors Note

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I wanted to give you guys a better perspective of Aria, so I put these pictures together and I'm going to fill in a little bit about her as well. The picture on the right is her typical outfit, but without the larger brown robe overtop anymore since she left it, and a number of her other belongings, back on Tatooine. You'll notice it's the outfit Mr. Ben Kenobi wore in his younger days, there's a reason why I chose this design for her, but it'll be revealed later in the story. This is the design of her lightsaber, the blade is blue like Obi-Wans was. I made it myself, by the way. The site I used was and it's very easy to use for first timers that want to make their own lightsaber. She tends to keep it with her at all times, like any Jedi would. Aria also tends to be a bit protective over it, as Obi-Wan was the one to give it to her when she was a young girl and just beginning her training with him at the age of 8, and it's the last thing she has to remember him by. Her parents left her with him for a reason as well, and what Ben told her about them wasn't exactly the whole truth. Aria is Force sensitive, as you all have seen. But because of that, and things that happen later on, she becomes uncertain with her choices and what happens because of them. That piece of darkness in her heart eventually becomes bigger and more difficult to handle. The dark side grows ever more tempting to her as time goes on.

To put things in perspective of her height, she's not exactly short, but she's not tall either. Think of it as somewhere between how tall Luke and Leia are, and then for Atlas, he's a foot taller than that. I'm just estimating here, but Aria would be at approximately around 5'5, 5'6. Which would put Atlas at around 6'6ish. As for Vance, he's approximately two meters tall, or just about 6'5. So there's not much of a difference between him and Atlas.

There's also a "new" concept I want to introduce later as well, I put it in quotes because I actually don't know if anyone has used this yet. I'm sure it's been done before. Actually, I'm pretty confident it has been done. But that's okay, I just thought it would be cool to include this. Anyway, I'm just going to call this thing the "Bond" or "Link." Basically, it's between two Jedi, or can even be between two Force sensitive people who don't even have to be Jedi. Kinda like Leia and Han, when she could feel what happened to him in TFA. The Bond or Link, as I'm calling it, connects people on a deep level. It's created from a deep trust in one another, it can even come from the love two people share if it's strong enough. The Force connects them in such a way that they can sense/feel exactly what the other does, any pain, sadness, and even their happiness. It also allows them to "feel" each other's thoughts, and allows them to kind of communicate with each other that way even if they're long distances apart. This Bond/Link between the two people is especially unbreakable once formed, but there are two specific ways to break it. Death, and the Sith. If one of the people were to die, it will break. It also puts a strain on the other person without their partner to live with, it strains their mind so much that anyone who has lost their partner will be driven to commit suicide just for another chance to be with the one they love. The Sith way is less likely, as the Sith has to be competent and strong enough with the Force to use their power to sever that Bond. Technically, any Sith can do this, it's less likely because almost all of them were never strong enough (which is a bit of a stretch with how powerful we all know the Sith to be. However, the Emperor is definitely one of the ones that can accomplish this, he's one of the few that knows how to do this and actually can. There will be others that hold this power, but they will remain nameless for now) or they didn't know they held the ability to do so as it wasn't a very well known fact among them. When a Sith does this, breaks a Bond/Link between two people, it may as well be like one of them had actually died. That's what it feels like to them this way, even if they're both still alive. It's such an incredible pain, possibly worse than one of them simply dying.

Anyway, for this book series, it's going to be a bit long. I'm going to follow the original trilogy of movies at first, just to get a few things set up and ready. After I'm done with those, I'll be moving into an original trilogy. I'll need to adjust the name of the current one right now, but that won't be a problem, the books will be the same, only the name is changing. The whole series will be as follows, the last three names are tentative for now as well:

Episode 1: A New Hope
Episode 2: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode 3: Return of The Jedi
Episode 4: Through the Galaxy
Episode 5: The Hidden Savior
Episode 6: The Death of Hope

As for episode 4s title, I'm probably going to change that one once I can think of a more fitting one. Anyway, this is my lineup for writing this series. I'm going to finish my special with Kakashi and Keira, and then I'm going to split updates between Break, Lost in Time, and this series. This will be my main priority once I finish the special, the other two will probably be updated maybe once every other week, with this one having at least one chapter per week. Overall, I hope you guys like this change, if you could call it that. If you have any suggestions or what you'd like to see more or less of, comment here to let me know. I'm probably going to include more fluff and whatnot in the next book as well, so don't worry about that.

I suppose that's everything then, talk to you guys in the next authors note or message on my profile

Episode 1: A New Hope // Luke SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now