Rebel Alliance

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Aria was shaken from her sleep as the Millennium Falcon jerks back and forth roughly, she was thrown from the bed and onto the cold metal floor, not expecting the sudden movements. She mutters curses to herself silently as she sits up and rubs her head, irritation already setting in and the cut on her arm aching from landing on it. The last thing she remembers before falling asleep was talking to Luke, and then Han came in before she had a chance to tell her blonde friend how she really felt. A sigh passes her lips as she uses the bed for support to stand up, she sits on the soft mat as the ship continues shaking, not as bad as the first time however. She frowns, this was certainly one of the last things she wanted to wake up to after what they had just gone through. Then the ship suddenly stills, as if everything were suddenly shut off and they were now just floating through the vast expanse of space with no reason. Aria gets up and as she was going to leave the med bay, she could hear footsteps coming towards her. She opens the door just as the other person was about to, revealing them to be Han. He had her lightsaber in hand and a cocky grin on his face, he looks down at her and says,

"My, my, sugar. You have some good timing, I was just coming to wake you up."

He takes a step forward, only prompting her to take one back. But he continued to advance upon her, with each step forward he took, she took one backwards. That was, until her back hit one of the metal walls. It felt like he towered over her with how much taller he was than her, she couldn't see around him either; her body was much smaller than his, making her insignificant in his shadow. She felt flustered with his close proximity, but she hardens her expression as best she can and demands,

"Back off, and give me my lightsaber. I'm in no mood for you right now."

He tilts his head to the side slightly, holding up her weapon with,

"Oh, you mean this old thing? If you really want it, maybe we could work something out?"

He leans in closer to her, the feeling in her gut told her with the intent to kiss her again. But Han stops as a voice sounds behind him,

"What are you doing, Han? We have to go since we're landing soon."

Han takes a step back, his eyes stayed locked with hers as he calls over his shoulder,

"Returning the lightsaber, got a little sidetracked in a conversation is all."

Aria's lips crease into a frown, she snatches her weapon from his hand and clips it on her belt. He went to say something to her, but stops as she pushes past him and goes for the door, seeing Luke had been the one to call him out. She approaches her friend, her gaze was cast down to the floor as she mutters quietly,

"I'll be with the princess and the Wookie."

She leaves the med bay and goes down the corridor, she could hear the two of them conversing behind her, but their words became more and more undistinguishable the farther she got from them. Aria inhales deeply as she makes her way to the cockpit, she wanted to be alone, but that didn't seem possible on the ship full of people, droids, and a Wookie. Although she was still greatly upset about what happened to Ben, she knew there was no time to wallow or grieve for him, there would be time later once they finally get rid of the Empire. She exhales as she reaches her destination and goes in, sitting quietly in the copilot's seat. Chewbacca wasn't there, she figures he must be somewhere nearby doing maintenance or something after rescuing the princess. Glancing at said princess, Aria saw she was slouching slightly in the pilot seat, her arms were crossed over her chest and her lips were taught in a frown. She clearly wasn't happy, over what, Aria wasn't sure. So, she decided to at least be polite and say,

"I'm glad we got you out of there safely, princess. I'm sure your father will be more than happy when you return to him."

The princess glances at her, not saying anything for a moment. It made Aria nervous more than anything, had she said something wrong? But relief washes over her as a small smile forms on the princesses face, she replies,

Episode 1: A New Hope // Luke SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now