Two Suns And A Pilot

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Aria runs her hand through her long brown hair as she sits in front of the small mirror in her room, it had been nearly two and a half weeks since she was ambushed by the Tusken Raiders. Her head was nearly completely healed, only a small bruise remained. She took her brush in hand and ran it through her hair, the strands ran a little more than halfway down her back. She liked having her hair long, but her uncle kept advising her to cut it down a bit. The only reason she didn't was because Luke had told her he liked it longer as well, she kept it a secret that she had it long for him. Her eyes look over her reflection as she brushes the knots and tangles from her hair, her thoughts beginning to wander.

She had been thinking nonstop about the vision her uncle had and told her about days ago, the one where she was apparently in childbirth. It didn't make sense to her, not knowing who the father could be was bothering her much more than it should have. Sure there was Luke, but she resolved to not get involved romantically with him any more than the kiss they shared. Other than him, there wasn't any other people on Tatooine she found relatively attractive. She shakes her head and sets her brush down on the desk she was seated in front of, it was really pointless to keep thinking about it. There just wasn't enough information to go off of, and she couldn't be bothered to try and figure it out. A soft sigh passes her pink lips as she studies her appearance, her right hand coming up to her mouth and her fingers brushing over the sensitive skin lightly. The kiss she and Luke had shared sparked something inside her, and although she was determined not to get involved romantically with him, she honestly wouldn't mind kissing him again. And again.

Those thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind as she heard voices coming from the other room, indicating there was someone else there besides her uncle and Mahnuu. Aria picks up a small hair tie from the desk, she pulls her hair together near where it ended and tied it off, not bothering to braid it like she normally wore it. She gets up from her seat and exits the room, heading towards the voices. To say she was surprised upon entering the room would be an understatement, she was definitely more than surprised, shocked even. It was her uncle, Luke, and two unfamiliar droids. One was gold and more human looking. The other was an R2 unit, it was white and blue. She approaches them, their conversation pausing as she enters the scene. Her brows furrow in confusion as she asks,

"What are you doing here, Luke?"

His face lights up a bit at her entrance, almost like he was glad to see her. Aria pulls her nightgown up as she sits next to him, he responds as she settles at his side,

"I was looking for one of my droids that got away in the night when I got attacked by the Sand People, but I'm alright. Old Ben here came to my rescue, same as he did for you I guess. He was telling me about my father, and what he was like back in the Clone Wars."

She places one of her hands over his in a gesture of comfort, Ben speaks up from his own seat in front of them,

"That reminds me, I have something here for you, Luke."

He gets up and goes over to one of the stacks of belongings he had in this room, it was a bit unkempt and messy at the moment. She didn't take to organizing it at all because he didn't want her to, according to him, everything was right where he needed it to be. Ben opens up a box on top of a stack, he looks over the contents before reaching inside. Aria could only watch curiously and wonder as to what the box held, she's never seen him open it before and has never opened it herself. It only shocked her all the more to see him dig through the box and then take out a lightsaber, she at least knew it wasn't his, it's design was different.

"Your father wanted you to have this when you were of age, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damned crusade, like your father did,"

Episode 1: A New Hope // Luke SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now