A Grave Rescue

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Aria watches from her seat next to Ben while Luke held his lightsaber in a defensive stance as he practiced with a training droid, they managed to outrun the Imperial ships and were now traveling relatively smoothly through hyperspace. She and Ben had shared a very important conversation mere moments ago, the words still fresh in her mind. It didn't make sense to her why he would tell her such things, unless he had some sort of foresight of what they were about to get themselves in to. She gets up from her seat and wanders down the corridor of the ship, her hand on her head as she tried desperately to comprehend what he could have possibly meant by it all.


"There will be a time, soon enough, where young Luke will need to go to the Dagobah system," Ben explains as he and Aria talk in an isolated section of the Millennium Falcon,

"There he will learn the ways of the Force from my old master, Yoda. I'm placing my trust in you to help him reach that point in time, but you cannot go with him."

Her brow furrows together in confusion at this, why shouldn't she be able to go with him? They've already endured so much together, this shouldn't be any different. Her voice quivers slightly as she says,

"But why, uncle? I can help Luke, I can teach him what you've taught me. Besides, you've told me about Yoda, I could learn so much from him if he was your master."

A deep frown forms on Ben's face as she says this, only causing him to sigh slightly and respond with,

"If you go to the Dagobah system, your training will never be completed, and you won't become the Jedi Master you so dearly wish to be. Trust me, young Aria. Do not follow Skywalker on his journey, it will not benefit either of you. He's destined to become a strong Jedi, stronger than myself or his father. You will only be a distraction to him, I mean this to you in no harm of course. But I can sense your feelings for the boy, and his for you. I can promise you that there will come a day for you two to be together, but it is not now. I do hope you'll understand and will remember my words when the time comes."

She gives a solemn nod once, although it hurt to hear and she wasn't quite sure why, she would respect his words. Aria goes to turn down the corridor and join the others, but stops as he adds,

"Aria, there's something else of importance I must tell you before we reach Alderaan."

His voice held something she's never heard in him before, she couldn't tell what it was. Whether it was contempt, anger, or even sadness, she couldn't tell,

"You must know, that I am not related to you by blood."

She turns back around to face him, a small smile is on her face, much to his surprise for what he told her. She responds with,

"I already knew, somehow. I thought I could sense it, but I wasn't sure then. I'm still going to call you uncle, after all, you were the one that raised me."

He places a hand on her shoulder with a smile of his own, starting to guide them back to their little group.


Aria looks around at her surroundings as she continues to explore the ship carrying them, seeming to have wandered to an unfamiliar part. A soft sigh passes her, she should really try to find her way back now, it probably wouldn't be much longer until they reached their destination.

"What are you doing wandering around my ship, sugar?" the voice hit her like a wave, she already knew who it was just by what they called her,

"You get lost?"

Episode 1: A New Hope // Luke SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now