Something New

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                I can’t say home many times I’d read her address. I actually had it memorized, but I kept reading it to make sure I had it right. This date thing was putting me on edge. Jan said she’d be over in a couple minutes, and so I was sitting on my bed waiting for her.

                Finally I heard a knock and I opened up the door for her. Her wide smile turned into a deep frown when she looked at me. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

                I looked down at my usual, jeans and a button up shirt. “What’s wrong with this?”

                She rolled her eyes and pushed past me into the living room and then into my bedroom. I heard her open my closet and I groaned before shutting the door.

                Soon I was in a pair of nice, black slacks and a dark blue dress shirt. She pulled out a black tie and I started to protest. “What, am I getting married to her or something? No tie.”

                She rolled her eyes and then said, “Come on, wear it. It looks nice. And when you go and have sex after, it’ll be sexy. Hell, use at to tie her hands up, I don’t care, but you’re wearing it.” Jan had set her mind on this, which meant there was no getting out of it.

                “Whatever.” I muttered and took the tie from her. I could tie my own damn tie…

                “Wear this jacket too. And go do your hair when you’re done.” She ordered. She left a dinner jacket on the bed.

                “You know, if you weren’t Jan, I’d think this whole command thing is sexy.” I joked, but she just scowled.

                “I’m writing out a schedule for you. You go to dinner at 8, okay?”

                “It’s four, I’m supposed to pick her up at five. You said for me to pick her up at five. This was dinner and then sex.”

                “Too bad.” She walked into the living room and I just went to the bathroom to fix my hair.

                When I came out she was writing on a piece of notebook paper. She didn’t look up when she said, “You’ll pick her up on time, none of that late shit you like to pull, and you’ll compliment how she looks, understand? I even wrote it down, see?” She lifted the paper up and in capital letters it said ‘COMPLIMENT HER’ on the first line.

                “Okay, okay, I’ll say she looks nice.” I muttered, like I needed a reminder.

                “Use my car. You look nice, you don’t need to screw that up.” She warned.

                “How will you get home?”

                “I’ll stay here and wait until you get back.”

                I sighed, “Fine, what next?”

                “Take her to this local art gallery. It’s free and some of the local artists are really good. Gives you a chance to talk and admire the art and all that. Then you’re going to go for a walk in the park, offer her your jacket and don’t take no for an answer. Don’t screw this up Dev.”

                “Alright, alright.” I felt like Jan didn’t think I could do this sort of thing. I guess she had a right to. I hadn’t taken a girl who wasn’t a bro out in years, and I was doubting how well I would do tonight. If I was going on a date (against my will might I add) then I wanted to make it a great fucking date. I just didn’t really know how to do that.

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