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1. A British company developed video games at bathroom urinals that men control with their stream of pee. (I bet the game was Minecraft!)
2. During World War I, France built a fake Paris to fool Germany. (WAR! *screams*)
3. Kissing burns 6.4 calories in a minute. (GUY: Wanna work out?)
4. Valentine's Day is one of the days with the highest suicide rates.
5. It is estimated that millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them!
6. You forget 90% of dreams within 10 minutes of waking up.
7. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky. (Obviously XD)
8. A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water.
9. A banana is NOT a fruit, it's a tree.
10. A biological reserve has been made for golden toads because they are so rare.

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