FACTS # 10

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1. The cotton candy machine was invented by a dentist.
2. In Iceland, it's hard to come up with a creative name for a newborn. A government committee prevents parents from giving babies names it deems too weird. The committee's name? Mannanafnanefnd. (Maybe that's the reason behind all of that...)
3. The most shoplifted food item in the U.S. is candy.
4. Sweden's Left Party has campaigned to make men sit when they pee.
5. Some cats are allergic to humans.
6. The Basenji is the only type of dog that does not bark. (Truly, I wish my neighbors had this type of dog.)
7. You burn more calories sleeping than watching TV. (Well, Imma sleep all day!)
8. After the Disney movie "Princess and the Frog" came out, more than 50 children were hospitalized for kissing frogs. (BRAINWASH THE CHILDREN DISNEY!)
9. Valentine Tapley promised to never shave again if Abraham Lincoln became president. He died in 1910 with a 12-foot-long beard.
10. Fredric Baur invented the Pringles can. When he passed away in 2008, his ashes were buried in a Pringles can.



I'm gonna expect a lot from 2016!


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