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December 24th, 2016
My Dearest Diary,

It would appear that Freya's been able to locate me again. I'm not sure how or why, but this time Elijah has come here in person...

"Evelyn, my dearest sister, how are you?" he smiled.

He probably expected me to run to him with open arms-- boy, was he in for a big surprise.

"Elijah," I gave him a tight lipped smile. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

Suddenly I glanced around the room as a thought occurred to me-- was he here too?

"I came to check in on you," he replied with that perfectly polite smile. "Afterall, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't," he added.

An amazing one, I thought as I snickered sarcastically in my head.

Standing just behind Elijah, I could see Edward shift around uncomfortably as he caught my eye. I assumed it was safe to say he had picked up on the tension.

"You will forgive me, if I steal my sister away?" Elijah asked no one in particular as he glanced about the room. "There is some family business I need to discuss with her."

I looked away, rolling my eyes in annoyance. Elijah, predictable as ever. Always proper. Always polite. And always trying to bring me back home.

"You can use my office, just up the stairs," Carlisle offered. "Evie can lead the way," he added. "Afterall, she did design the place."

Elijah gave the house a quick once over before turning to me. "This is remarkable," he commented as he examined my masterpiece. "I can only imagine what you could do in New Orleans," he said, his eyes snapping back to me.

Back home-- where you belong.

The words were unspoken, but they didn't need to be said. I already knew that's what he was here for.  As Elijah forcefully grabbed my upper arm, Emmett stiffened next to me. He was about to pull me away, when I shook my head 'no'. Emmett might have had burst of unhuman strength at times, but I knew he would be no match for Elijah.

As I began leading Elijah up the stairs, I suddenly found myself standing in the bathroom. I leaned against the counter, clutching my head as the room continued to spin. In all my years with the Mikealson family, I'd still never gotten used to 'vampire speed'.

"What are you doing here?" I tried to ask again, but was silenced by Elijah placing a finger to my lips.

Leaning into the shower, he turned on the water and then did the same with the double sinks. I gave him a confused look, wondering what he was doing, but chalked it up to paranoia and moved on.

"I could ask the same of you," he replied, his voice harsh and barely above a whisper.

I narrowed my eyes at him but remained silent.

"Come home, Evelyn." Elijah pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut in exasperation. "You don't belong here. And you certainly don't belong here with them."

"Them?" I imitated the same disgusted tone he had used regarding the Cullen's. "What's so wrong with them?"

He regarded me for some time, clenching and unclenching his jaw-- I could tell he was trying to work it all out in his head.

"Oh dear," the corners of his lips curved upwards. "It's worse than I feared," he chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Am I to believe you actually love that insufferable Cullen boy?"

"You can believe whatever you want," I replied, waving my hand around dismissively.

"However, whatever I believe is what I'll be forced to tell Niklaus," Elijah reminded. "Or have you so easily forgotten my brother's uncanny ability to tell when someone is lying."

I laughed bitterly before answering him. "Well in that case, you can tell him I have found my true love and I've moved on without him. Just like he did five years ago."

"You're not seriously still going on about that, are you?" Elijah levelled his eyes at me. "Evelyn, I have told you. That was a mistake that neither of them intended to make," he explained. His voice becoming more irritated by the second.

"So you keep saying," I shot back. "But how do you know?"

"I just do," he snapped, but that wasn't good enough for me.


Elijah sighed before finally giving in. "That night, Hayley was looking for me, not Niklaus."

"You?" I asked, squinting in confusion. "But why would she be looking for you--"

I trailed off, glancing up at Elijah in sudden realization. All these years, he had been living in the same hell I had. A look of sadness flashed across his face.

"The next morning, when they realized a mistake had been made, Niklaus ordered me to toss her out like a piece of garbage," Elijah said. "Unfortunately, she was picked up by a group of witches," he continued, "and it was then that I found out she was with child. Had it not been for me, and my own love for Hayley, Niklaus would have left her out on the streets to suffer and raise that baby alone. I begged and pleaded with my brother to accept this child, believing she would finally be our family's road to redemption," he explained. "But never, in all of my misguided calculations had I planned on losing you in the process," he confessed. "Only now can I see that our family will never have peace until you are returned to Niklaus."

"Returned?" I chided. "You speak as though I belong to him," I said.

"Evelyn," Elijah said as he ran his thumb along my jaw, "Certainly by now, you must know," he paused. "You are Niklaus' most treasured possession."

I opened my mouth to say something, but clamped it shut again when I realized I had nothing to say.

"Now, please. I insist that you accompany me home and end this ridiculous relationship at once," he demanded.

"Excuse me?" My voice rose an entire decibel as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

He regarded me for the second time that night, and a small smile slowly tugged at his lips.

"You honestly don't know, do you," he replied in amusement.

"Know what?" I asked.

His face turned incredibly serious as he gripped me by the shoulder.

"I urge you to return home with me at once," he hissed, leaning forward to whisper in to my ear. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, or what the Cullen's are truly capable of."

Before he could say anything more, a loud voice called up to me from down the stairs.

"Evie, Is everything all right?" Alice asked.

"Yep," I called back, slightly relieved as I flung the door open. "I'll be right there!"

I hurried down the stairs and back to Emmett's side-- Elijah following closely behind.

"We saved the last ornament for you to put on," Alice smiled as she handed me the glass bulb.

"And your brother is more than welcome to stay," Carlisle announced, much to my horror.

Thankfully, Elijah declined.

"I'm afraid I have a plane to catch," he replied. "Afterall, tomorrow is Christmas and I would prefer to spend it with my family," he said. "As should Evie."

His words hit me like a slap in the face, and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. I couldn't believe he'd actually just said that infront of everyone. Quietly, he shoved a plane ticket into my hand before turning abruptly and storming towards the door.

"Think about what I said," he called back.

And then, as suddenly as he'd appeared-- Elijah was gone.

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