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January 2nd, 2017
My Dearest Diary,

My heart is confused- torn between two lovers. The love I know I should be with versus the love I want to be with. One half of my heart tells me to choose new love while the other tells me to give old love a second chance.

The two are as different as night and day, so why is this so hard? I feel overwhelmed. How will I ever choose? Is it really possible to love two people at the same time...

"Good morning, Love," Klaus whispered into my ear, the light stubble on his chin tickling me as he spoke "I trust you slept well?" he asked.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I snuggled closer against his warm, firm chest. His finger gently brushed my hair back as he bent down letting his lips softly caress my neck.

"Your scent always was intoxicating," he growled as he flipped me over on to my back. His crystal blue eyes bore down on me. There was so much need, so much longing and desire in them, I eventually had to look away. It was just too overwhelming.

"Why do you do that?" he angrily demanded. I could sense his sudden change in mood as he got up out of the bed.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Just when I think I've finally won you back--" he trailed off.

I watched as he paced back and forth inside the igloo, stopping abruptly as turned back to look at me. An ugly scowl contorted his normally handsome face.

"Am I really that hideous to you?" he asked. "Is that why you've been hiding from me all these years?"

"What are you talking about?" I replied. I could feel my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"DO NOT LIE TO ME, EVELYN!" he seethed through clenched teeth. "You think I'm a monster," he spat. "Just like all the rest."

I hadn't even realized I had gotten up from the bed, but suddenly, I found myself staring into the face of the devil. But I didn't care-- if he was the Devil, then I was as good as the Devil's mistress.

"You stupid, narcissistic, pig-headed bastard!" I yelled, raising my hand in an attempt to slap him. "That's not at all why I left you."

As he glared down at me, he easily caught my wrist in his strong grasp and I was suddenly beginning to second guess my decision of name calling. Then again, thanks to him, if he killed me, I'd just come back to life again anyways.

"For forty years, I stuck by you as you killed, daggered, and searched for a way to remove your curse. You've left hundreds in your wake and all the while I stood by your side. Even when you cursed me to a life similar to yours, I still didn't leave you," I said.

"So then what is the problem?" he questioned.

I could feel my cheeks flush with anger as my entire body shook with a rage I had never experienced before.

"You can't be serious right now, are you?" I exploded. "You cheated on me with that Whore of a Mutt and never once even bothered to apologize," I yelled.

Rolling his eyes at me, I heard him let out a low growl. "I've told you a million times, she seduced me!" he shot back.

"So says you," I glared.

Suddenly he flashed forward, closing the distance between us. I squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation and I was sure this was it. Violent images flooded my mind as I tried to come to terms that he was really going to kill me.

"You seriously believe I would hurt you, don't you?" he breathed. His voice sounding broken as he spoke.

As my eyes slowly slid open, they were met with crystal blue pools of sadness.

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