Chapter Four

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Harry's P.O.V

My eyes felt like they were taped shut. All I could make out was a faint beeping noise somewhere by me. I groan as my head started throbbing. What happened? Then everything hit me, the multiple hits, Brooke and Jamie helping me, and most importantly, running to the tattoo shop and telling Louis what I did wrong. He probably thinks that I am just a loner kid now.

The beeping started to get annoying so it took all my willpower to open my eyes. I closed them again quickly, for a light blinded me. As I opened them again I heard someone gasp. “H-Harry, are y-you okay? I am going to call the nurse.” Louis said, coming into my view. “My head hurts. Where am I?” I asked with confusion evident in my voice.

“You are in the hospital. You came running into the tattoo shop and said that you need help and asked me what you did wrong. You had a concussion, a broken nose that had to be repositioned, and your jaw had to be repositioned.  What happened and I want to know now.” The tone in his voice seems intimidating, getting more serious.

“Well I was about to eat lunch with your new employee and her friend, Jamie and Brooke. Jason said some mean things and Brooke and Jamie stood up for me. Jason didn’t like that and he- and he punched me, kicked me, pulled my hair, and banged my head to the floor.” I said, tears pricking my eyes. I am scared now. What am I going to do? I can’t just drop out of UNI.

He was hugging me and telling me that everything will be okay. I put my arms around his neck, with him now lying in the hospital bed with me. “The great thing is, is that you get to get out of the hospital tomorrow. But you are staying at the tattoo shop all day tomorrow too. I am not letting you go back to UNI with them always hitting you, after you just got out of the hospital. I am so-.”

“Louis, okay. Stop ranting. I am used to it. I will stay at the tattoo shop, only if Brooke is working tomorrow.” He perked up and gave me a genuine smile, that kind of smile that reaches his eyes and how his eyes crinkle up when he is smiling truly. “Haz are you going to stop staring? Or are we going to get the nurse and tell her that you are awake?” I instantly blushed; I was staring at him, think about how he smiles and how amazing he looks.


We walked into the tattoo shop with Brooke enveloping me in a tight hug. I chuckled and hugged her back. “I am so sorry! Jamie feels horrible she didn’t wake up this morning and she cried all night and-.” I put my hand up to tell her to stop talking. I heard Louis snicker behind me. “It’s fine. You guys are the ones who stood up for me. Thank you guys and let me see your phone.”

Confused, she handed me her phone and I pressed the contact I am looking for. “Brooke, I am not getting out of bed. I am staying here until Harry gets better, this is my entire fault.” Jamie annoyingly said into the phone. I put the phone on speaker. “Well then you have to get out of bed because I, Harry Styles, am better than what I was yesterday. I came back from the hospital and I don’t deserve all of this nonsense.” After I said that, I heard some shuffling and then a scream. Louis and Brooke almost fell on the floor laughing at Jamie’s antics.

“Okay well, Brooke can you come home for a sec?” She asked and then hung up. Brooke waved off and hugged Louis and I and walked out. “Okay so what do you want to do? I have no appointments today.” I shrugged at hugged him. “Thank you.” He hugged me back and buried his face in my neck. His hands were around my waist and mine around his neck. We looked up and each other. His eyes were a piercing blue, which brings out his hair. His eyes were staring into mine. His grip on my waist tightened. My eyes traveled down to his lips as he started leaning in.

 My heart started to leap out of my chest. I started to lean in too, with my hands now in his hair. His eyes started to close and mine did too as an instinct. My lips barely brushed his until someone came out of one of the back rooms. Liam didn’t see anything but Louis and I jumped back from the embrace. We were both flustered. “Oh hey guys. How are you feeling?” I mumbled a ‘fine’. I am going to kill Liam. No I am going to kill Niall for being friends with him.

Beanies and Tattoos -Larry Stylinson- AU Punk!Louis UNI!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now