Chapter Nineteen

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Harry's P.O.V

*Five Weeks Later*

Louis still hasn't gotten back from the store yet. I was getting really worried. I have been keeping a very close eye on him ever since the incident at UNI. He's been gone for an hour. The store is five minutes away and he was only picking up a few things. I checked my watch again and sighed heavily. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted him, asking him when he was getting back. 

That would have been four texts now. Then I heard the door being unlocked. I heard gruff voices on the other side of the door. I became alarmed as the door handle started turning slowly. I ran as quietly as possible and hid in the wardrobe of his room. Who is coming into the house. I know I'm probably being paranoid about everything but, that did not sound like Louis' voice. Or anyone I knew. 

I heard loud footsteps coming closer and closer to Louis' room. My heart was beating loudly against my chest. I took out my phone and tapped on Louis' contact. The line buzzed three times before I heard a sickly sweet, but gruff voice say, "Hello, Harry." I dropped the phone just as the wardrobe door opened and I was dragged out of the wardrobe, screaming for Louis.


Louis' P.O.V

This is just like my dream. I'm sitting on the floor of an empty room, a window in front of me, giving me access to see the same exact room that Harry was killed. I can't believe it's happening. My family better not be on the other side of that window at all when I'm here. I won't let that lucid nightmare become reality. 

"Louis, What a nice surprise." I heard that sickening gruff voice say on the other side of the glass. I got up and hit my hand against it. He chuckled darkly and smirk. "Let me out, dammit!" I yelled, beating on the glass again. 

He stepped away and went out the door and yelled out something I couldn't make out. Then five figures came into view. "Louis!" My sisters yelled and ran up to the glass window. "Oh my god! Mark!" I heard my mum yell. 

"Louis are you okay?" I nodded and smiled at them. "I missed you guys so much. What has he been doing to you?" 

"Well Louis, I've didn't keep that supposed 'deal' that you thought would go okay. You ruined this family by being a disgrace. Do you have anything to say for yourself, fag?" A tear slipped out of my tired eyes and I nodded.

"Yea, I will admit that I am a disgrace but that doesn't mean I'm happy with Harry. And I have another thing." I said putting my forehead against the glass. Lottie stared at me with a sad expression and mouthed, 'we're sorry.'

I shook my head as Mark said, "And that would be." My anger soon returned for what he's been doing and shouted, "And you are a son of a bitch!" I hit the glass but it still would stay in place. Mark cackled and smirked. 

"Who would you save first?" He asked me, grabbed Phoebe's arm and pulled on it roughly. "What do you mean?" I growled as glared at the hand that was on my sister. "Who would you save first, your family or your boyfriend?" I could tell that the color was draining from my face and I looked back at my sobbing mother.

"Don't bring Harry into this. He doesn't deserve it."

He snapped his fingers to the person who was guarding the door across from me and nodded. He went out the door and then came back in a second later with Harry. His mouth was duct taped and I could here him say but muffled, "Louis!" 

The guy threw him onto the ground and Harry winced in pain. I rushed over to him and helped him off. I took the duct tape off slowly and hugged him. He pulled away and kissed my softly. "I'm sorry for putting you through this Harry." I looked down and he cupped my cheek.

"It's okay. I love you."

"Ow Mark! You're hurting me!" Fizzy shouted and I snapped my head towards the window. I saw Mark's hand around the back of Lottie's neck. I could see the tears in her eyes and I stormed over to the window. "Let her go." I growled, putting my hands up against the window. 

"Mark, please leave them alone." My mum begged, as she slid down the wall and covered her face with her hands. "Jay shut up!" Mark yelled and tightened the grip on Lottie's neck. "Mark! Let go!" Lottie struggled to get out of his grip but she stopped when he slapped her cheek.

"Would you stop?!" I shrieked at him as he just chuckled. A tear rolled down her cheek as the others ran to my mum. 

"I swear to God, if you hurt them again, I'll-."

"You'll what? Louis in case you've forgotten, I'm the one in charge here." Mark said menacingly, pulling something out of his pocket. "Hey! Get the boy." He barked to the man guarding the door. The man grabbed Harry's arm away from mine and walked him towards the door. 

"Harry! No! Let him go!" But I was too late. He left the room and entered the other one. "Hey mum, we haven't you divorced this son of a bitch yet?" 

"I-I already did." She hiccuped and looked at me through tearful eyes. I snapped my head to Mark and froze. He had a gun.

This can't be happening. "Mark, please put the gun down. I'm sorry for being this way. Mum, I'm sorry for ruining this family. Girls, I'm sorry for being a horrible excuse of a brother. Harry, I'm so sorry! Just please Mark, put the gun down." I pleaded, but I bet they could barely understand it as I was sobbing uncontrollably.

 I heard him laugh even more. I heard a short click and a whimper. I looked up and my mouth dropped open. Mark had the gun to Harry's head. "Please! He didn't do anything! Kill me but not him!"

Then the lights went out.


Cliffhanger! I'm sorry! This scared me and I wrote the chapter, haha! i feel like dedicating someone so I am dedicating this to @Boobear_luff!

I will update tonight or tomorrow I don't know!

 Fan vote comment follow!

Love you guys! xxx

Beanies and Tattoos -Larry Stylinson- AU Punk!Louis UNI!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now