Chapter three: Trust Issues

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Across town, the work day is just beginning. Brandy Page walks the narrow halls of the A.C.T.S. building, her hips carrying her gun belt like a modern day gunslinger. She sips the last of her coffee from a styrofoam cup and tosses it into a trash receptacle. She approaches a door and sighs, dreading the thought of this meeting.

A month ago, right about the time she was promoted to Lead Security Officer, Brandy began receiving harassing notes from an unknown source. They would appear in her locker, on her desk, and on her car windshield. At first, the notes were harmless one-liners, 'I'M WATCHING YOU', 'YOU SMELL GOOD TODAY', 'I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU'. The building is highly secured; there is no way an outside civilian could infiltrate it. She knew the culprit was a co-worker, although she had no idea who it could be. Over two hundred fifty employees worked in the building. Brandy ignored the notes thinking she had a secret admirer, but the notes became more disturbing by the day. 'I WANT TO STICK MY FINGERS IN YOU, AND LICK THEM CLEAN', 'I GET HARD EVERYTIME YOU SAY MY NAME', 'BY CONSENT OR BY RAPE, I WILL HAVE YOU'.

Brandy never wanted to report the harassment, but things became too much for her to deal with; she constantly had to watch over her shoulder and she started to become suspicious of everyone. With her job and her personal life being affected, she felt pressured to tell someone. Brandy never considered the notes to be threatening, nor was she scared by them, but every note seemed to create more anger within her. She was fearful that she would snap one day and take out her frustrations on an innocent bystander.

Brandy has always had a strong personality. From her early childhood she had to fend for herself; nothing was handed to her. She was raised by three older brothers, none of which treated her like a girl. Whenever sibling rivalries came about, Brandy always seemed to take the brunt of the punishment.

Eight years ago, straight out of high school, she started at the bottom as an unarmed security guard. The Chief of Security saw her potential, and put in a recommendation for her. She was promoted to Security Officer, in charge of an eight man team.

Now, in her mid-twenties, she heads the entire security team for A.C.T.S.

The fifth floor is designated for the executive branch of A.C.T.S.; Accounting offices, conference rooms, and even the office of the CEO and founder of the company is located on the fifth floor. Also located on that floor is H.R., Human Resources; the door which Brandy now faces.


"Come in!" A voice commands from the other side of the door.

Brandy opens the door slowly. She places her hand on her weapon, not as a precaution, but out of habit.

Lynn Holbrook, director of human resources, sits in front of her computer. She glances up, "Page? I didn't expect you until nine! Come in, have a seat."

Brandy slides the brown vinyl chair away from the desk and sits. "Sorry if I'm too early, I just want to get this over with."

"No, no. Just trying to finish up some of this pile," she indicates the large stack of papers on her desk, "Before the next load arrives." Lynn smiles.

Brandy fakes a half smile back. She knows she can't trust Lynn as far as she could throw her. It's not that Brandy doesn't trust Lynn, even though she is H.R., but it is Brandy's lack of trust in people in general.

Brandy fidgets with her figures, "Look, I just don't want this to go any further. Not only is it affecting my job, it's affecting my personal life now too."

"Unfortunately, this issue was brought to my attention, and it can't just be forgotten," Lynn states.

"Lynn, please, I - this is going to ruin everything I've worked for." The thought of having to quit her job crosses her mind.

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