Chapter 19: Stress-Free Day

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As the former Chief of Police, Harvey Dunn, is currently preoccupied avoiding the FBI, there hasn't officially been anyone designated to take control at the department. Brandy strolls into the office a few minutes later than usual. She has already decided today will be relaxed and stress free, nothing will get her shaken. That's easier said than done for a law enforcement employee.

The dinner invite lingers in the back of her mind; she feels nervous but keeps telling herself, it's just dinner, nothing more. It's not a date,'s not a date...

"Page! Look at you rollin up in here at seven forty five like you have no one to answer to." Ron jokes about their lack of supervision.

Brandy sips her coffee and smiles, "I can get used to this."

"Yeah, well everyone's starting to ask questions." Ron's voice has a hint of seriousness.

"You didn't tell them anything did you?"

"No, why?"

"Kelly wants this quiet...I'll handle it."

The Chief has been absent for three days and people are starting to wonder of his whereabouts. Brandy calls a meeting together. All available officers are requested to meet in the briefing room. Brandy assures everyone the Chief has a good reason to be out, which is true. She lies to them though, and makes up the story Kelly had suggested about being out of the state for a family emergency. She knows eventually the FBI will make their presence known at the station and her tall tale will be exposed for the falsity that it is. She won't let that thought bother her, at least not today. Today is a good day.

Brandy and Ron take a ride into the more populated part of town. Their day will consist of mostly walking and talking. As they tramp along the solid concrete sidewalk, they hand out the fliers of the inaccurate sketch of Harrison Kringe and pictures of Sheila. They figure if Sheila Ducane frequents O'Malley's as often as they were told, it is likely she visits other stores along the same strip.

As they walk, Ron tries to make conversation, "It's been crazy, these past few days."

"Yeah." Brandy gives a short answer. She can't get her mind off of her dinner plans for the evening. It's been a long time since anyone has asked her out. What am I going to wear?

Ron complains, "My damn feet are screamin."

Brandy looks, "Well, you're three hundred pounds Travis...if you were walkin on me, I'd be screaming too."

Ron shoots a mean glare, "Two eighty Page, I'm two hundred eighty pounds...damn." He huffs.

"Well excuuuse me, Mr. two eighty. I was just sayin...shit Travis, don't be so whiny."

"I'm not bein whiny. You know I'm sensitive about my weight, Page."

"Sorry..." Brandy pauses briefly for effect, " big baby." She smiles so he knows she is kidding.

He gives a smile back, "Ha-ha-ha," but quickly drops it, "Shut the hell up!"

They continue to pound the pavement and question passersby. The team decides to split up to cover more ground, plus, they both feel the need to avoid speaking directly to each other for a while. Brandy realizes she has upset Ron but doesn't want to break the tension by speaking first. Ron won't speak until he gets a sincere apology, which Brandy isn't very good at.

Later the team reunites. Brandy wonders, "Any luck?"

"Nah...almost though."

"What do you mean 'almost'?"

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