Chapter five: We Have Shots Fired

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Officer Ronald Travis cruises the streets, fighting crime the way he always has, one crook at a time. Lately, there's been less criminal activity than usual and Ron thinks that's a good thing. The lack of crime gives him a sense of accomplishment. In reality though, it isn't necessarily good for the police force. Unfortunately, if there's no crime, there's no job. The truth is, the police need criminals in order to thrive; it's job security.

Ron's always been a good cop, playing by the rules most of the time. Whether he goes by the book or not, he always gets the bad guy. He's been in law enforcement for fourteen years. At 6' 2" and nearly 300 pounds, the big man can move when he needs to; it isn't often you get to see him run.

The engine revs as Ron pulls into the parking lot at a convenient store. He looks to his partner, "You want a coffee? My treat!"

Brandy Page sits shotgun polishing her weapon. She shifts her head toward Ron, "Your treat?"

Ron flashes some cash, "Hell yeah! I got this!"

"Make it a large." she smiles.

"Large? Damn, Page, you know my hours just got cut!" Ron jokes.

Brandy plays along, "In that case, get me some I can dry your tears."

Ron laughs as he heads into the store. They joke around with each other a lot. That's what Ron likes about Brandy, her dry sense of humor. She's fun but serious. They can goof off all day, but the second something goes down Brandy is all business. Ron knows she can handle any given situation.

Brandy was hired by the police department almost immediately after learning that she used to be an armed security guard. She aced the entrance exam, but she was still required by the state to attend the academy. She finished the police academy training at the top of her class.

Almost immediately after she was hired, the investigation into Brandy's stalker had gone cold; the disgusting letters and gifts stopped. Brandy figured whoever was behind the whole thing must have decided it wouldn't be the brightest idea to stalk a police officer.

As the rookie of the department, she was given a partner. Officer Travis requested she be placed with him. They have been working together for eight months.

As Ron returns to the car, the police scanner suddenly comes on, 'All available units report to the 6700 block of Kurtz and West 9th, we have shots fired'.

Brandy perks up, "Kurtz and 9th? That's the A.C.T.S. Building!"

Ron jumps in the car and peels out from the spot. Brandy flips the switch for the lights and siren.

As Ron is driving, he can see from the corner of his eye, Brandy is practically bouncing in her seat.

He looks to her, "Damn, Page, that's the last time I give you coffee."

She smiles, "You know I live for this shit, Travis."

As he zooms through traffic, Ron smiles back, "Yeah, me too!"

Arriving at the scene, another unit has already responded. Officer Dale Marston stands by his vehicle looking up at the building.

Ron and Brandy approach, "What's the situation in there?"

Officer Marston informs, "There's a lone gunman on the 5th floor. So far, we have ten confirmed dead, S.W.A.T.'s on the way."

Ron wonders, "Confirmed?"

Officer Marston points up to some people in a window, waving for help. "Those people, they're trapped in that office, and the gunman doesn't know they're in there. One of them called it in."

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