Chapter 27: Redemption Denied

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Easing the bathroom door open further, Harrison sees the source of the cry for help. The debilitated man lays powerless, face down on the floor. The knife is sticking in the center of his back. Harrison enters the bathroom and shuts the door, locking it. He remains quiet, pondering a plan.

The helpless man lays motionless, only able to move his eyes and mouth. He looks to Harrison, "Don't just stand there, get help!"

Harrison looks at Abby, "Don't move from this spot." He points at the ground she stands on.

Harrison walks to the man, staring at him, still undecided on how to deal with him. He begins to leisurely stroll around the paralyzed man, circling him as a vulture would its lunch.

"What's your name?"

"My name? B-Bob. Stop wasting time and help me!"

Harrison chuckles and calmly points out the obvious, "You know, have a knife in your back."

"No shit! That little girl stabbed me!"

"Ah, yes, that little girl...where are my manners? Bob, this is Abby, my daughter."

"Your daughter? She's a little psycho bitch!"

Harrison chuckles, but his face rapidly shifts to angry, "She's five your fucking mouth around her!"

"You're one sick son of a bitch! Help me God damn it!"

Harrison controls his temper, "You are quite demanding for someone in your position, Bob."

Bob realizes this man isn't here to help; he begins to scream for someone, anyone that can hear him.

"Hellllp! Somebody! Plea-"

Harrison slaps his hand over Bob's mouth, "Shhh. Shut your mouth. If you scream like that again I'll let Abby stab you again, and again, and again...until you stop screaming. Get it?"

The terrified look in Bob's eyes and the silence he displays confirms he gets Harrison point. Harrison removes his hand from Bob's mouth. "Good."

Bob's desperately horrified face is beat red and sweat erupts through the pores of his forehead. "What do you people want from me?"

Harrison smiles at him. "I don't want anything from you, Bob. But Abby here, she wants to kill you."

Bob's eyes burst into an uncontrollable flow of tears, "Oh God, why? What did I do?"

"You? You didn't do anything, Bob. You're an innocent victim just like all the others."

"Others? What others?" Bob struggles to make sense of this mess he is in.

"Oh, sorry Bob, I forgot mention that Abby is a serial killer."

"What the fuck? A serial killer? What the hell is wrong with you? She's five!"

Harrison smiles at Bob, "Yes, she is." He's proud of his creation. Harrison looks to Abby, "Okay Abby, come over here and finish Bob off."

"Finish me off, oh shit, oh Jesus, please don't, don't do this!" Bob pleads for mercy.

Abby slowly walk over to the helpless man and stops.

Harrison scolds her, "Well? What are you waiting for?"

Abby looks up innocently. "I can't daddy."

Harrison glares at her, "You can't? Where did you learn the word 'can't'? I never taught you that."

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