chapter 1

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Picture of Amelia


Amelia's POV


Ugghh. Today is my first day back at school and let me tell you, I hate my school.

But most of all I hate Ashley, the school's slut.

She always tries to pick a fight with me, for what reason? I don't know.
Anyway I'm Amelia Jame a straight 'A' student.

I'm at the top of my class and I never get into trouble.

I'm kinda rich cause my dad's a lawyer and my mom's a fashion designer.

She just started her business about five months ago and its improving a lot .

I have grayish blue eyes, brown hair that goes till about the middle of my back and I'm smart.

I don't like to use the term nerd cause I never really got bullied from anyone before EXCEPT the one and only... Ashley.


"First day back at school, what to wear?

I guess I'll wear a simple black jeans, white tank top and my vans.

I decided to put my hair in a simple side French braid.

After getting ready, I went down stairs and just took an apple for breakfast.

I saw mom in the living room reading papers and sipping coffee so I ran over to her and gave her a quick hug and kiss.

"Bye sweetie I hope you have a good day at school," mom told me in her sweet voice that I love so much.

"Bye mom love you too and hope you have a great day at work," I quickly responded.

My best friend Tyler is picking me up, as always because he has a car and I didn't get mine just yet.


Ok Tyler's here .
"Hey Tye," I greeted my best friend.

"Hey Amelia, ready for your first day back at the hell hole?" Tyler asked.

"Nope but sadly I have no choice," I fake sobbed.

Tyler just chuckled and I hopped in the passenger seat and buckled up.

The car ride to school was silent, but in a comfortable way, all you could hear was the faint sound of music playing in the background.


When we arrived in the school's parking lot, we quickly exited the car and entered the halls of hell. Tyler and I split up to go to our lockers so we could get our books for class.

I have math first period and he has science, so sadly we're not in the same class right now.

As I entered, the first thing I saw was Hunter, the schools badboy AND player.

As usual he was standing there making out with some slut.

Its like they were tongue wrestling.... disgusting.

I just rolled my eyes and walked to my locker to get my books for first period.

As I was making my way to first period, I was looking down at the ground to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

All of a sudden I felt myself bump into a brick wall.

I winced as pain shot through my head then looked up only to come face to face with the devil himself who runs this hell hole .

'OMG OMG OMG', my head was screaming. All of a sudden I felt my hand start to tremble.

I finally mustered enough courage to say a soft, "s-sorry."

The problem was, it didn't come out the way I wanted it to, I stuttered.

Hunter smirked down at me as he realized I was scared.

He then raised his hand which caused me to cower backwards but he quickly grabbed me by the waist and placed a hand over my cheek.

"Are you fresh meat? Cause no one mentioned anything about someone new starting school here. Maybe I can show you around and we can make a quick stop at the restroom while we're at it." Hunter whispered in a husky tone, which by the way didn't make me melt with pleasure or swoon in any way.

At those words he just spoke, anger quickly took over my frightened state and I yanked myself away from his grip on my waist.

I quickly shot back a response. "Wow you've got to be freaking kidding me. I've been in this god damn hell hole as long as you have been and not once did you recognize me. IT'S NICE TO SEE THAT YOUR EYES ARE IN YOUR ASS AND YOUR BRAIN IS ANYWHERE BUT IN YOUR BIG FOR NOTHING HEAD!!! "

As I hear 'oooohs', 'burnnnn' and 'gasps' , I realised I had formed a crowd so I quickly pushed my way through them and went for my books for class leaving a stunned Hunter standing there frozen with his eyes wide open.

What the hell just possessed me to snap at Hunter?!

Big mistake.

Just then realized I had gotten myself in some deep shit.


I know. Shitty AF... This was my second book, so.... I tried. The first one was worse anyway but I don't want to delete it, for what reason?

I may never know.

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