Chapter 13

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Ashley was standing there being her slutty self as I glared at her.

I hate that b!*ch with a passion .

Ashley was just standing there texting on her phone.

Hunter cleared his throat and Ashley's eyes slowly, but surly observes his presence.

"OH MY GOSH! I'm so sorry, how clumsy of me." Ashley said in her extremely fake, annoying, b!*chy voice.

I just rolled my eyes as she straightened up her self and pushed out her fake boobs and ass.

Her face was caked with makeup and from what I was able to see over the counter, she was wearing a short, strapless crop top which barely covered her boobs and a denim jeans shorts that could pass for an underwear because of how short it was.

Hunter just rolled his eyes and made his order.

He bought a rum and raisin.


I was planning on buying a vanilla mixed with cookies and cream and to put both rainbow and chocolate sprinkles on top.

As I ordered, Ashley finally observed me for once and as soon as her eyes met mine she gave me murderous look, as well as a shocked one.

I just sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes then told her my order.

"Wow, you're one pig. Eating like that? You're just begging for diabetes to come snatch your ass." Ashley said in an over sweet voice.

I just looked at her shocked and brushed off her comment.

I wasn't going to drop to her level.

"What's the matter, cat got your tongue? Let me tell you something, if you think you have a chance with my Hunter well oh you got another thing coming. He's mine so back off. No one wants you and no one ever will want you. GOT IT?!" Ashley roared out at me.


I just looked up at her, trying to hold back the tears.

Amelia. Don't let her get to you. Don't let her get to you.

I kept telling myself that over and over again.

Ashley continued, "Why do you think your parents abandoned you? Huh? Well let me tell you. Its because you're not worth living so maybe you should just leave and never come back, if you know what i mean."

What Ashley said about my parents was not really true.

They're just barely at home cause of work.

But even though I know what she said wasn't true, it still hit a nerve and that's what cause me to snap.

"Listen barbie, at least I have people who care about me and don't just use me and what you said about my parents is not true.
And YOU listen and listen well, the only reason boys talk to you is because they have needs and you know what? YOU give them those needs by spreading your legs wide open the second you can and Hunter is not YOURS you crazy whore. All you did was give him his needs so I guess you can say that you're just every boy's sex toy and that's all you ever will be!" I couldn't hold in that one.

I was shocked because first off I just said that without crying and second... I JUST SAID THAT WITHOUT CRYING.

I didn't a really great job at holding back my tears I think I might have to throw myself a fiesta cause I'm so proud of me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realised Ashley was about to slap me across the face.

But before she could, Hunter grabbed her arm rather fiercely and slammed it down on the counter.

She flinched at how force Hunter was and from the way he was looking at her.

She also whimpered at the pain.

"Listen to me, if you as much as touch Amelia or look at her or even speak to her, I'll make you regret the day you born. Now just get our orders ready so that we can leave." Hunter roared out at her.

She quickly scattered and got our orders ready.

I looked at Hunter shocked and he just smiled down at me.

There really was some kind of emotion in his eyes that I couldn't make out.

But I wanted to find out what it was and I was determined.

The more I was around Hunter, the more I fell for him and tonight I fell really hard.

The Girl He Never Noticed [NOT EDITED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang