Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Tears blinded my vision and I tried to hold back a sob, but it came out making both their heads snap towards me.

"What the hell?! Why?" I snapped weakly as my voice faded at the scene in front of me. How come it never crossed my mind? It was hidden in plain view. The way he eyed her at the mall today, checking her out every couple of seconds. I tried convincing myself that it wasn't true. Oh God... why?

Nick stared at me with wide, shocked eyes. He started opening and closing his mouth looking like a fish.

I took this time to look at their position. He was on top of her, both of them totally naked, seemed like they were both getting some action. I could feel my heart breaking more just by the sight. Was I that stupid to not realize all the flirting that was going on in the mall and restaurant?

Then it hit me... hard. My tears fell like rain on a bad storm day. I couldn't control all the emotions that were present at the moment.

"Jazzy-" he began, but I cut him off.

"Don't you dare 'Jazzy' me, YOU BASTARD! I trusted you!"

My body was shaking fiercely and the pain hurt so much, but it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. That thought confused me but I pushed it to the back of my head.

I ran down the stairs in a speed I didn't know I had and exited the house.

"WAIT! I can explain! It's not like that. I swear!" He shouted running after me. Yeah, right I swear, I kept on mocking his voice inside my head. He stopped running eventually in the middle when he realized that he was naked. "I hope you burn in hell, you jerk."

I continued running while crying not paying attention to where I was heading. Not that it mattered, I just wanted to be alone.

I found myself running in the woods. It was dark outside but the thought didn't bother me. I was too tired and heartbroken to care. And I knew, from that moment, Nick Thompson was nothing to me anymore.

I ran so fast and found myself at the trail. It lead me to a clearing with a lake in sight. Good, I thought. I needed a calm place for relaxation.

I sat on a large rock directly in front of the lake and cried my eyes out. It's not only the fact that Nick cheated on me. I also lost my best friend who I trusted and told everything to from the beginning of Nick and I's relationship. The fact that Madison was the one with him added more pain. Perhaps even hurt more.

I abruptly snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a loud growl coming from behind me. Wolfy, my head thought but my heart knew it wasn't Wolfie. I turned around to come face-to-face with a huge, grey wolf. I gasped and released an ear piercing scream.

The huge grey wolf ran towards me and my idiotic self froze in my spot unable to move. I could picture it in slow motion. It jumped while running ready to attack me.

After regaining my consciousness, which didn't take long because of the fact that I was going to die, I scrunched my face waiting for the impact.

Another wolf, this time I recognized as Wolfy, ran at bullet speed and swiftly jumped at the wolf throwing him to the side. However, the wolf's right paw scratched my left shoulder because of the movement. A scratch is better than death, but a scratch is a scratch and this one hurt like hell.

I groaned in pain and fell to the ground, having a front row seat at the fight unfolding in front of me.

Wolfy dominated the other wolf, attacking him with his claws and canines while being on top of him.

I was worried about Wolfy, but I knew he will be ok. But when the wolf bit Wolfie in his side and Wolfy let out a long howl of pain, something snapped inside me and I gasped clutching at my chest. Did I just feel his pain?

That can't happen, it's not possible, I told myself repeatedly.

Wolfy took a look at me on the ground in pain and his eyes darkened even more if that's even possible. He turned to the other wolf and jumped as high as he could with a roar. His mouth landed on the grey wolf's neck and took a whole chunk off his neck. The grey wolf howled in pain, but then all sounds stopped. He died.

That wasn't all though, what happened next had me terrified as I stared at the dead body. A naked human replaced the dead wolf's body. What the...? However, I was too concerned about Wolfy to care. I felt connected to him somehow.

My eyes returned to the wolf who saved my life, and it appeared to be that he was suffering from something. I looked closer and saw a huge gash in the middle of his stomach

I approached Wolfie cautiously but shrieked and took a step back. Fur turned to skin, his snout turned to a nose, the canines turned to teeth, and the wolf turned to a human. A naked human. And did I mention good-looking? But a freaking human nonetheless!

Picture of Madison!!! Aka her ex-best friend!!


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