Chapter 32

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Dedicated to jpadr0 for her lovely feedback I really appreciate it thank you!! ❤

"Blake Hunter! Get back in bed right now or so help me God I will beat your ass black and blue!" I yelled out running after Blake who I gave my back to for two seconds and he was up and running from the bed he was on for the past week.

"Jazzy I swear I'm fine, babe, it's been a week," he called out behind his shoulder as he kept on running. I panicked "Blake stop running you'll re-open your wound!" I yelled and finally he stopped and sat on the ground.

"Ow..." He muttered grabbing his chest. I freaked out and ran to him and sat next to him. "Are you ok? Does it hurt? Did it re-open? Oh my God is it bleeding?" I rushed out grabbing his hand. He then laughed out loud and took my hand in his. Then it hit me, the asshole was faking it.

"Y-your face!" He said in between laughs. I glared at him and wiped away the few tears that fell without me noticing. "You jerk!" I told him angrily and stood up to leave but his hand pulled me back and he placed me on his lap. "I'm sorry," he said burying his face in my hair as I tried to pull away from me. "Let me go Blake," I sighed taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"I'm sorry baby," he said grabbing my arms, that were still pushing him away, in his and placed his lips on mine softly. "I'm sorry," he said again pouting when he pulled back. I sighed and leaned into his chest, "are you sure you're ok?" I asked him looking into his eyes. "I'm just still a bit numb but I'm fine, baby girl, I promise," he said and I rolled my eyes. "You don't seem to be keeping your promises much lately," I told him poking his cheek. He grinned at me and stood up taking me with him, "never again," he told me wrapping his arms around me and leading me down the hall and into the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked and opened the fridge rummaging through it. "Eh anything it doesn't really matter," I told him sitting on the counter. "Waffles and ice cream?" He asked and my eyes lit up and I grinned nodding my head. He shook his head and laughed at me, "Goddess, you're adorable," he said turning around and began preparing the batter.

"Why thank you that is so nice of you to say," I say sarcastically with a small smile on my face as I watched him from behind. "Are you sure you're ok? I can do the waffles and you can watch," I said already getting up. "Jazzy, I want to spoil my mate and my love stop fussing I'm fine," he says stopping me with a quick kiss to shut me up. "But-" I tried again but he cut me off again with another kiss, "shh," he said and placed me back on the counter. I sighed but leaned back and wrapped my arms around my legs watching him walk around smoothly.

"Liz wants us to go over for dinner tonight, you up for it?" I ask him, "actually I was wondering if we could spend tonight alone? We haven't done that in a long time and I really miss spending time with you," he said while taking out the waffles from the waffle maker. He then proceeded to take out the ice cream and the nutella and placed them on the table. I hopped of off the counter and placed myself in front of him. "Only if you want to ofcourse," he said smirking.

"Sure yeah that would be nice, I'll call her to raincheck," I said and took the waffle he handed me. He soaked it with nutella and placed a big scoop of chocolate ice cream for me and vanilla for him. I took a big bite from it and moaned in delight. "Oh this is heaven," I said licking my lips since I got nutella all over them and was going to take another bite when Blake's finger stopped me. He wiped away the few nutella that I didn't get and then licked the nutella off his finger. I stared at him with wide eyes then continued on eating my delicious waffle. He laughed out loud shaking his head and ate his waffle.

We finished up with the waffle and rested on the couch while watching a movie. I had my head on his chest careful not to touch his wound. He placed a finger under my chin and pulled my head up. I looked up at him with curious eyes but he answered me clearly when he placed his lips on mine softly. Things escalated quickly when the soft kiss turned into a heated make-out session. He slowly lay us down and climbed on top of me but put his weight on his arms on both sides of me. He felt me loosing breath so he pulled back and trailed kisses down my neck.

Once he reached my sweet spot I moaned but felt him freeze. I knew he was fighting control but I was ready.

"Mark me." I breathed out catching my breath, he pulled back and looked at me with lust-filled eyes. "Jazzy I-" he begad but I cut him off. "You're not pushing me or anything I want you to do this, Blake, I'm ready." I tell him softly trailing my fingers over his face. "But you know that my bite will trigger the wolf gene in you," he said and I smiled, "I am willing to go through the transition, Blake, I am ready," I tell him and his face lit up in glee. He placed his lips on mine again in a passionate kiss and pulled back trailing soft kisses down my neck till he reached my sweet spot but this time he didn't stop. He sucked on the area a bit and kissed it, "this will hurt for a bit but it will quickly turn to pleasure, ready?" He asked hovering over it. I nodded and tangled my fingers through his hair.

He kissed it one more time before bringing out his canines and bit into my neck deeply. I gasped at the blinding pain but moaned after the pain vanished and was replaced with the best feeling of euphoria and pleasure I have ever experienced.

"Mine." Blake growled as he pulled away and licked the small drops of blood that came out.

Suddenly I was hit with a deep feeling of exhaustion. Blake chuckled and carried me up to our room and placed me on our bed. "Go to sleep my love, you'll be tired for a few hours, get some rest and I'll be right here when you wake up," he said pulling me to his chest as I fell into a deep slumber.

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