Chapter 44

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Clarice's POV (Jazzy's dark Original side)

"Move faster! I need everything to be perfect for the ritual tonight!" I snapped at the slaves in front of me. They nodded their heads rapidly and moved faster without even glancing at me in fear of being killed.

You know the very least you could do is thank them.

I hear my human's annoying voice and rolled my eyes

If only I could get rid of you too but unfortunately you and me are one

Oh the horror of that you think I'm enjoying this too? You took me away from my mate you little witch

I really don't know what you saw in that man anyway, you could do way better you know

No one asked for your opinion honey

It'll all end tonight and I'll finally get rid of you and that stupid wolf of yours

I blocked her out knowing fully that she'll return again in a few minutes. It's been a month since Daniel activated the curse and today is finally the day where I can restore my powers completely and say goodbye to the annoying pest that has been living in the back of my mind for a month now. The full moon tonight will be the end of all good in Jasmine Thomas. Everything will be perfect if followed to plan.

Blake's POV

After that dreadful time where Jazzy said goodbye I have been working this pack's ass off for what is about to unfold. Legend has it that the full moon after the curse is activated will be the time where the dark side of the original can take over. We will do everything in our power to prevent that from happening. I will not lose my mate to some dark bitch. I will get you Jazzy, and we'll be together again. I promise.

Jazzy's POV

I sighed and felt my heart tightening with Clarice's words. She can't possibly be able to do that can she? I mean that is- ugh! Why couldn't my parents have told me about this earlier? I could've done something to stop this mess but no! They just go ahead and keep more secrets. I sunk in this dark room that I have taken residence in for the past month. It's figurative of course, I'm still in her head but atleast I'm still here. Not for long though, if Blake doesn't find me soon then I sure will be saying goodbye forever. And I don't think I can do that.

Clarice's POV

The sun was finally setting and the time was approaching. The night was quiet and peaceful and exactly how I needed it to be. The ritual shall be performed one hour from now exactly or I'll have to wait for another full moon. Jasmine hasn't tried to bother me since I revealed my plans to her and I was grateful. She really can be annoying when she wants to be. "Y-your highness?" I heard a voice whimper from behind me and I growled at the weakness behind it. I turned to face him with my black eyes and he cowered into himself further. "What reason causes you to disturb me, you filthy peasant?" I snarled and he visibly shook. "The M-midnight Stone pack is attacking us, your majesty, they came out of nowhere," he said and I roared out and pushed him out of the way and sped walked to the woods outside.

"Daniel!" I growled when I saw him and he turned around to face me with anger in his eyes. "What is the meaning of this?" I snarled and he growled to himself, "I don't know, your highness, they weren't supposed to find us," he said and fired orders at his rogue pack. "That is it, Blake Hunter, today may very well be your last day on this earth," I growled to myself and roared. All the rogues got in combat form preparing for war, the Midnight Stone pack will not make it out of here alive.

Blake's POV

We neared Daniel's borders and I gave the signal and we attacked. I shifted and roared out loud and went searching for my mate. I killed rogues right and left mercilessly and didn't even give it a second thought. We killed every wolf in our way until we stopped in front of an old cabin. It wasn't small, rather the opposite actually it was huge but it was worn down.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite Alpha Blake Hunter," I heard a voice say. I turned to face it and froze, it was Jazzy. I shifted back quickly and she chuckled loudly, "if you're looking for your precious mate she's going to die soon anyway" she told me smirking. I glared at her menacingly "Let me guess, the bitch of an original who took the face of my mate, can't say it's a pleasure to meet you, " I told her sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, "you can do way better than a whiny fool, but oh well, atleast I'm getting rid of her in a few," she told me then froze and gasped. She screamed in agony and her black eyes turned to the beautiful blues that I was used to. "Jazzy?!" I rushed to her and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I've been restoring my energy for this, Blake, you have to leave its a trap Clarice will kill you, you can't stay Blake please. I love you more than anything and when the time comes, pray to the moon goddess. She'll give you all the answers, take care," and she was gone and in her place was Clarice who was now growling in anger.

"Daniel! NOW!"


I am sooo sorry for the late update but here is yet another chapter for you special people! And sorry for the various changes in perspectives. Hope you enjoy it!!


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