Chapter 37

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Sparks were running all over my body.

That was my first thought waking up in the morning. I groggily opened my eyes but snapped them shut as soon as the sun rays blinded me. Slowly I successfully opened them again and didn't close them this time. I looked around confused and froze when I shivered. We were in mid summer, why would I shiver? I looked down and sighed in relief.

Yeah I slept naked, thank god, I thought the window was open.

What the...?

I never sleep naked! I looked around and spotted a sleeping Blake beside me- wait! Let me rephrase that a naked sleeping Blake beside me. Suddenly last night came rushing back and I squealed loudly and ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door just as Blake woke up alarmed.

"Wha- Jazzy? Are you okay?" He asked worried his voice sounding behind the door. "Y-yeah I'm fine, I'll be out in a sec!" I called out. I took a deep breath. Ok how hard can it be? We only like had se- yeah I can't do it! I'm thinking of just locking myself in here all day. Blake chuckled from behind the door. "Jazz, since the mating process is complete I can hear your thoughts you know?" He said laughing and I blushed deeply and opened the door slowly and peeked out to see him leaning on the door, with boxers on thankfully, and he was smirking.

"Close your eyes," I tell him and he shakes his head turning around, "I've seen it all already babe," he said and I groaned as he laughed and ran into the closet. I quickly put on underwear and shorts and a tank top. I exited the closet and glared at him as he walked over to me. "Get dressed Blake," I tell him and he laughs and shakes his head. He pulls me in his arms and holds me close putting his head in my neck and took a deep breath. "I love you," he mumbled in my neck, I smiled and wrapped my arms around him "I love you too," I tell him and pull back. He grins at me, "now can you please go get dressed," I tell him and he smirks "that's like the total opposite of what you said last night," he said and I glare at him and slam him on his head. He laughs and goes to get dressed.

I sigh and head towards the kitchen once we went back to the house. I walk around carefully wanting to avoid anyone. I realize now that we might not have been exactly quiet last night. I blushed a deep red and shook my head, although I gotta admit last night was amazing.

"Well I'm glad it was or that would've been awkward,"

I screamed and jumped turning around. "Blake! You scared the crap out of me!" I said clutching at my chest and took a deep breath. He chuckled and pulled me in his arms, "Well we don't want that to happen I do want a repeat of last night soon," he said and just as I was about to scold him he cut me off with a deep kiss.

It was like all the sparks and tingles were 10x electrified than all the other times we have kissed. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me even closer if that was even possible. "Aww look at the newly mated love birds," I heard a familiar voice say from behind us. We pulled away and there stood Tom and Liz who looked at us with her eyes shining bright with unshed tears. "Oh I'm so happy for you guys," she said and wrapped us both in a group hug. I smiled and hugged her back, "thank you, Liz, this means a lot to me," I tell her and she smiles in return.

We all had breakfast together and it was fantastic. Now we were sitting drinking tea or coffee when suddenly I felt an excruciating pain everywhere. In my head, my bones, like literally everywhere. My tea cup fell from my hand as I bent over holding my head in my hands.

"Jazzy!" Blake yelled and in a flash he was next to me, "Jaz baby what's wrong tell me," he said frantically. "E-everything hurts- aah!" I let out a painful scream and fell to the floor. A limb broke. I swear to you a limb of mine just broke followed by another. "Blake! This is her first shift take her outside come on!" Tom yelled then his eyes glazed over, he was mindlinking someone.

I felt myself being carried then shortly after laid on the grass. A few couples here and there children running around playing, but they all stopped once a scream tore its away out of my throat. Kids ran to their parent, horrified expressions on their faces as they looked at me. Their Luna. On the ground screaming in pain. "Ok, I know this hurts like hell but it'll be over soon sweetheart, just hold on," Blake's soothing voice said as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I screamed again as more limbs brome and tears streamed down my face like a waterfall.

Blake looked as though someone kept stabbing him over and over again as he looked at me. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he said as he rocked me back and forth. Ethan, Caleb, Emma, and Evan suddenly showed up and were by my side as well as they all said encouraging words. Tom briefed the pack of what was happening to me. They all had excited smiles on their faces but their eyes held worry for their Luna.

Finally after almost 15 mins, I let out an ear piercing scream and my eyes shut on their own as my body started growing fur and my fingers turned to claws and my clothes ripped as I shifted into my wolf.

I heard gasps everywhere but I kept my eyes closed.

"She's a white wolf!"

When I finally opened them, my eyesight was so much sharper and clear and I could hear animals and people from miles away in the forest. I looked around panicking when I couldn't stand up, I tried to talk but all that came out was a bark followed with a whine. "Blake she's confused and she's panicking, shift," I heard Tom say but it's like I was hearing it through someone else. I looked up at Blake who was looking at me with red eyes as he took off his clothes leaving his boxers on and shifted into his huge black wolf.

His wolf came to me but I panicked and tried to back away. Key word: tried. I ended up stumbling on grass and fell. His wolf stopped and looked me in the eye and leaned down showing his neck. Submission. He was showing me his wolf meant no harm.

He walked over to me again and I let him. He licked my face and rubbed his fur on me. Then he howled, like really loud.

Well I can definetly say it's so good to finally meet you my human. 

Mate? Mate.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon