Ch 1: A Hungry Pack of Wolves

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"Cess, this isn't fair! You promised to tell us this time! Which of us do you prefer?"

The clamour of the men surrounding her rose to an almost deafening level, drawing the scrutiny of the upper class ladies across the Knight Mansion ballroom. Everyone had gathered for the annual Knight ball, with only the wealthiest in the country in attendance. Cecilia had spent countless hours, labouring away to ensure that the ball was perfect. And, now, because of these muppets before her, she was going to end up as a laughing stock! Cecilia flushed in response to the raised eyebrows the women were sending her way, knowing the news was more than likely to reach the ears of her highly respectable father and slightly less-than-respectable brother.

Speaking of... Hadn't Cole promised to be here this time to rescue her from these hungry pack of wolves? Shouldn't he be here already according to the plan they had devised earlier this evening? Cole knew that every time they had any sort of event, all the men - be they eligible or not, married or bachelors, young or about to fall into their death bed - they all swarmed around Cecilia like starving wolves to meat. Although, Cecilia admitted, maybe the death bed part was a slight exaggeration; but everything else was true! So where was Cole now?

"Gentlemen, please!" Cecilia felt suffocated. "A little patience? That decidedly small virtue is likely to take you a long way in a lady's regard, you know."

"Will it take us further in your regard, Cess?" Tomas Connelly, one of the most ferocious of the lot, winked his brown eyes lazily. "Because if that's the case, I'm more than willing to wait forever," he sighed laboriously, brushing his tousled blonde hair back.

"Here, here!" The other men cheered.

"Hmm," Cecilia narrowed her jade green eyes in suspicion. "And that has nothing to do with the fact that my father is the richest man this side of Europe?" She queried, only half joking.


'There goes another one,' Cecilia thought, mentally sighing as she turned to face him.

Jason Cooper. He was not so bad, a tad more quiet than the rest of the lot, but just as eager in his pursuit of Cecilia. His deep brown eyes were currently wide with apparent shock. "Do you really think all these men are here just because your father happens to be well-off? Can you really not know why we're here? We're all here for you, Cecilia. Hell, most of us are rich enough in our own right - although, admittedly, not enough to compare to your father..." he trailed off awkwardly.

Cecilia stood stock-still, frozen in bewilderment. "Me? But..."

"Come, now, gentlemen," Cecilia's brother finally spoke up in a loud, jovial voice parting through the crowd around her. "Let's not frighten the girl off into hiding in a corner somewhere." Cecilia was able to breathe a sigh of relief at the fact that he hadn't just ditched her. Immediately relaxing now her brother was here, she shook off her confusion over Jason's statement, and fell back into her usual outgoing personality.

"Me?!" Cecilia immediately rallied, questioning her brother. "I'm the one that will go into hiding? Ha! Perhaps that's your manhood you're referring to. Cecilia Rose Knight is not afraid of anything either God or man ever created!" She announced theatrically, tossing her copper curls, green eyes flashing.

Cole Knight's handsome face soured at his little sister's barb, while the other men cackled, delighted at the show. But Cole wasn't just about to let his little sister get away with insulting his pride and joy. Revenge. That was the only way forward.

"Oh, really, Cessy? Nothing scares you, hunh? Nothing would scare you into hiding?" He questioned, voice low, grey eyes sparkling. "Then, what about that time - "

His little 'Cessy' swiftly kneed him in the balls, hissing a warning. "If you don't shut up, you won't have a manhood left to refer to, big bro!"

Said brother doubled over in pain, grey eyes tightening. "Someday, you little devil, I'm going to get you for that!"

Cecilia burst out laughing, doubling over herself with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming Cole. You haven't been able to outwit me a single time over all these years, so what makes you think you could begin to now? Really, you ought to be ashamed... 11 years older than me but not a single victory to your name," she shook her head in mock sorrow, mouth curling up at the edges. "And anyway, admit it: you love me too much to ever stop me from getting my own way."

Cole straightened, eyes softening. "You're my baby sister, Cessy; you always will be, no matter how old you get." His eyes watered, as he thought of how his sister wouldn't need him anymore. "God, I can't believe you're 23 already..." he shook his head in disbelief at how fast time had flown.

Cecilia's own eyes were suspiciously moist, as she nodded her agreement. Suddenly, it occurred to her what her brother had unwittingly given away. "Cole! You're not supposed to give a lady's age away!" She pouted in anger.

"Oh, whoops!" Cole grimaced for a moment, aware of the faux pas he just made, but then he gave his signature cheeky grin. "Hey, I guess I got my revenge after all."

So involved in the sibling rivalry, Cess startled when Tomas interrupted again. "Really, it doesn't bother us anyway. I mean, even if you were 30, we wouldn't care. But as it is, you're only 23, so you've not got anything to hide or be ashamed of!"

She sighed in exasperation. "I know that, Tom, but it's the principle. Anyway, Cole, do you have any idea where Papa is? I've remembered something I need to tell him," Cess hinted heavily, reminding him of the plan they had discussed in preparation for the evening. Cole hesitated for a moment, uncertain whether to torture his sister a little more, but one glance at those large, rounded eyes made him melt. "He's still preparing his speech in the study. Go speak to him now, if you need to, before he gets waylaid by all the guests."

"Oh, good idea!" Cecilia fell into their script easily. "You will all kindly have to excuse me gentlemen," she said, with not a little relief.

"Oh, but - "

"You didn't finish - "

"Surely not now - "

"Talk to him later - "

"Please, please!" Cole cut the protestations short, giving his sister a quick nod to let her know he would handle this. "You can always have time with my sister later..."

Cole's voice faded quickly as Cecilia hurried her getaway, exhaling gustily. Finally! What did a woman have to do to be left alone by well-meaning-but-irritating suitors around here?!


AN: Hi! I'm very new to writing - in fact this is my very first attempt. That said, I would really really really appreciate any and all advice! Please comment because I would love to have constructive feedback - that's how we all learn! Thanks for taking the time to read this! :)

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