Ch 17: Shameless Betrayals

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It seems every time I thank you guys for something, you just end up surpassing it moments later!!

We now have 4.09K reads!!

But, even better, we are now #234 in Romance!!!!

I just can't believe it!!!

Thank you so much!! I love you all! 😘😘

Enjoy the chapter!



"What are we talking about?" Cole spoke from behind them, making Tom jump.


"Revenge." Cecilia answered her brother.

"Ooh, now that sounds more like the sister I know!" He rubbed his hands together in glee, his buxom blonde still leaning against him drunkenly. "What are we planning?"


"Reee-venge! Reee-venge!" Cole sang, off-key. "We must all take reee-venge!"

"Ugh, Cole!" Cecilia grunted as she and Tom dragged his intoxicated body out of the club. "Seriously, how much are you eating these days?!"

"Yeah, man." Tom agreed. "I think you need to consider going on a serious diet after today. Maybe go light on those cheeseburgers, yeah?"

"Mmmmm... cheeseburgers..." Cole moaned, seeming to not have heard anything else Tom said.

"No!" Cecilia dropped him abruptly, sending him almost crashing into the floor. "No cheeseburgers for you!" She pointed a finger sternly, with a no-nonense glare.

Cole widened his eyes at her, wobbling his lower lip. "Pleease?" He pleaded, pathetically.

"No! That puppy-dog look won't work on me, and you know it."

"Cheeseburger." He sulked, narrowing his eyes at her as she put his arm around her shoulder again.



"NO!" Cecilia and Tom shouted simultaneously. They exchanged startled glances, before they burst into laughter.

"So... I didn't get to ask... how did you find my friends?" Tom asked nervously.

"They were amazing!" Cecilia responded, ecstatically. "Much better than I could have imagined! They were so warm and friendly, even though I came over unexpectedly. I had a great time." She smiled at him, softly.

Tom grinned back at her broadly, before his smile wilted a little. He sighed. "I'm sorry about Rose. She has a bit of an issue... with new people."

Cecilia just raised an eyebrow. "New people... or me?"

"What?" Tom raised startled eyes to her.

"Nothing." Cecilia sighed, shaking her head. But she couldn't shake the feeling that there was some other reason for the brunette's hostility.

"Cessy." Cole suddenly made his presence known again. "I think... I'm going to be sick."

"WHAT?! NO!" Cess shouted at him. "Cole please, just control it a little bit, ok? We'll be home in 5 minutes." She and Tom hurried to set him down in her car.

Once they had adjusted him and put on his seatbelt, they straightened, breathing deep sighs of relief.

"So..." Tom leant against the car. "We'll all be meeting on Saturday?"

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