Ch 2: A Birthday Memory

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Cole's voice faded quickly as Cecilia hurried her getaway, exhaling gustily. Finally! What did a woman have to do to be left alone by well-meaning-but-irritating suitors around here?!


"Apparently, a lot. If it's you." Her brother's amused voice broke through her train of thoughts.

Cecilia spun around in surprise. "Cole, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be managing - "

"Yes, managing your gentlemen, I know. Or rather, your suitors, as you put it."

"Oh," Cecilia sheepishly recalled his earlier comment. "You heard that, did you?"

"Cessy, I don't doubt most people around you heard you," he guffawed. "You weren't exactly being subtle!"

Cecilia flushed. "Yes, well, you would be saying that too, if it were you!"

"Nah, I don't think I would," Cole drawled. "All those women, drooling over me... I don't think I would mind that one bit." His grey eyes twinkled devilishly, in imagined pleasure.

Cecilia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but we can't all be manwhores like you! Now tell me, what are you doing over here?"

"Well, you don't see them all crowding around here, do you?" He questioned, disgruntled.

For the first time, Cecilia noticed that there was no sign of the men who had been clamouring for her attention before. In fact, had she not just escaped from that jungle, she could have sworn that they hadn't been there at all!

Cecilia turned her gaze upon her brother's golden head, more than a little admiring. "I'm impressed," she acceded. "How did you manage that?"

Sensing his sister's curiosity, Cole dallied. "I have my methods," he murmured softly.

"Oh, stop trying to be mysterious!" his sister snapped, patience already fraying. "What did you do?"

"I thought you said patience was a decidedly small virtue likely to take you a long way?" He teased.

"Yes, but luckily I have no suitors to impress. Only my thick-headed, bone-head of a brother! Tell me!"

"Ok, ok!" Cole put up his hands innocently. "I told them that if they left you alone now..."

Unable to stand the suspense, Cess jumped in. "Yes?"

"That you would talk to them later." Cole finished uncomfortably.

"You did WHAT!!!" Cecilia screeched.

"Now, Cessy," her brother tried to placate her, knowing his sister's temper. "You know I had no other choice - "

"You - "

"Now, now children!" Mr Knight's booming voice interrupted their little dispute. His bushy blonde moustache came into view, just as he lifted warning green eyes to them. "No arguing on this day, you know that!"

Cecilia immediately launched herself at her father, anger momentarily forgotten. "Papa!" She laughed, delighted. "Just where have you been hiding all night? And how do you like my decoration?"

Roger Knight's moss green eyes warmed as they fell upon his youngest child. "You have outdone yourself this year, my child. If your mother were here..." he trailed off, heart clenching in pain.

"Do you think she would like it?" Cecilia whispered, lids lowered to hide her suddenly stinging eyes.

Roger gently lifted her chin until her eyes met his. "Like it? Honey, she would have loved it. You know why?"

Cecilia shook her head as she clung to her father, eyes still moist.

"Because you did all this. There could have been no greater gift for her on her birthday every year, than for her daughter to so lovingly arrange the house that was so much a part of her. Thank you for that, my love." Her father squeezed her hand tight.

"Papa! No, don't thank me. And I did this as much for you, as for Mama. Every year, you hold this ball on her birthday, in memory of her, and every year it gives me so much pleasure to organise it. Just so I can see this exact expression on your face now." She squeezed his hands back, as he took a deep breath.

"It seems like I'm redundant here," Cole's loud voice broke through the tender moment. But when Cecilia turned to face him, his eyes were soft, and Cess nodded as she understood what he was trying to do.

"Of course you are. Can't you see that I am Papa's favourite child?" She joked, aiding Cole along.

"Well, I have had an extra 11 years with him, so it just seems fair to let you manipulate a little of his attention now..."

Their father chuckled, as Cecilia let out an outraged gasp.

"Oh, dear, I'm never going to win with you two, am I?" He shook his head in disappointment. "Where did I go wrong in my upbringing, I wonder?" He sighed.

"Nowhere, Papa," Cess interrupted. "You were the best father any girl could ask for! And to not only be a father, but also a mother to a girl of 5 years..." she smiled up at him, her eyes glowing gems. "I am in awe of you."

"Ok, ok, that's enough!" Her father laughed. "Now, how about we go mingle?"

Cecilia pouted, as she remembered her previous attempt at mingling, and the resulting pack of wolves. "Do we have to?" She whined, as Cole chuckled softly at her torment.

Her father's eyebrows drew together. "Yes, you do. In fact, there is someone I would like you to meet..."


AN: Hey, again! Hoped you liked the chapter! Next chapter is the big reveal... ;) Once again, I would just like to say that all comments would be highly appreciated! Thanks and continue reading! :)

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