Ch 15: Heartfelt Confessions

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He flicked a finger at her in dismissal, as Cecilia fought down the scream that was building in her throat. At that moment, she was wishing it was poison she had put in his coffee, not just lactulose.

With jerky movements, she opened the door and slammed it shut after her. Marching down the corridor, steam coming out of her ears, she muttered under her breath menacingly.

"Just you wait. You've not seen anything yet!"


Cecilia systematically went through the files, writing a brief note to herself on each suggestion for the ball so she could type it all up later. She was trying to immerse herself so thoroughly in work that she didn't have to think about that j*rk. Oh, just the mere mention of his name was enough to get her blood boiling!

But, no, she was a professional. She was here to work, and so she would. However, there was no law - there was nothing - to prevent her from planning revenge in the safety of her own home...

Before her evil thoughts could be brought to fruition, they were interrupted.

"Miss Knight?"

She was beginning to hate her name being called by that cold, arrogant voice. But it sent a shiver down her spine, all the same.

Sighing heavily enough to make it obvious, she turned around.

"Yes, Mr Freire?"

Arctic blue eyes surveyed her, travelling down the length of her body before meeting her eyes. For a moment, Cecilia thought she saw something in them... a hint of heat, of passion, a flame burning ever brighter... before it was all extinguished, eyes cool and impassive once again. That brief moment was enough to send a hectic flush over Cecilia's skin, and she cursed her body for being so hyperaware of his.

"I'm afraid we will have to postpone your overtime hours for another day. You may go home."

Startled, Cess glanced at the clock to realise it was indeed 6pm. She turned back around to face him, a strange, unnamed emotion filling her.

"But... why? I mean, you were so adamant about me staying... And suddenly, I don't have to anymore? Did something happen?"

Nicolas let out an impatient breath. "Do I have to explain myself to you? What makes you think I owe you an explanation?"

"N-no. That's not-" Cecilia stuttered, cursing her own curiosity.

"And, besides, I didn't say you didn't have to work overtime anymore. Merely that we would postpone it to another date.  Now, kindly vacate the premises. The cleaning staff will be here by half past six, and I wouldn't want them to have to wait for you."

He turned around, without another word, and left.

"I wouldn't want them to have to wait for you." Cecilia mocked. "Of all the stupid, arrogant, idiotic..." She muttered to herself, as she shoved her belongings in her bag.

Precisley five minutes later she was out of the office, locking it behind her, still mumbling obscenities. It seemed every time she met Nicolas Freire, impossible as it may seem, he only seemed to aggravate her even more!

Striding down the empty hallway, she stopped suddenly as she heard giggling. Coming from Nic's office.

Tiptoeing over, she peeked around the corner.

"Nicky! Come on, we'll be late to dinner."

"Yes, Soph, I'm coming." Nic's exasperated voice could be heard clearly. Cecilia watched discretely as he closed his laptop screen, and rose up from the desk to make his way around to the female figure standing near the door.

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