4//Fight Night

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I woke up with a smile on my face because nothing can get in my way today, all I have to do is get past the school day then I can be fighter girl all weekend, I can be me. I can't wait to watch diesel fight at 6pm, apparently he is pretty good but I think I'll be the judge of that.


Mason's POV

Blake Smith, there's something about her that just isn't right I mean she dominated Charlotte in P.E and didn't break a fingernail and the other day she totally played me. First she starts by not listening to me, who in their right mind wouldn't listen to me. She wasn't scared of me the other day when I stopped her after school, in fact she played it very well, too well. How could I deny sex its been hard getting action lately, I've gone through all the girls willing to give themselves to me and I'm a man with needs.

Then I also can't forget the girl from the park, Ellie she somehow knew my name, she had the perfect body but her face was way too familiar to someone I know I just don't know who. It was almost like she has a twin. 

Blake is a nerd with serious fighting skills and she has the guts to talk back to me of all people. These two girls are making me crazy. I need to focus more on this fight tonight, I'm the new guy and I know that everyone there will be watching. Blake keeps coming into my mind, I'd never heard of her or seen her and then out of nowhere she does one thing and I'm just drawn to her, then in P.E she beats Charlotte. She acted just like a street fighter not a typical one but a smart one. Blake isn't your normal nerd she has a side that no one has seen and I need to see it.


Blake's POV

By the end of the day I was almost off the walls with excitement I can't wait for the fight later tonight. When I get home Jake is there making me a protein shake I run upstairs to take a shower and get dressed in my Nike shorts and my nike sports bra and threw a jacket over the top. I packed my pink gloves into my bag and I was ready to fight. Diesel should be worried about who I am and how much I've won, because if I verse him he won't know what hit him. I get excited when new people join I hate fighting the same people over and over it gets easier for me.

Mason's POV

It's my first night back to street fighting I've always done it but I used to fight just out of town the fights weren't a big thing like they are in town and the competition was nothing. I signed up under the name diesel because I don't want to risk anyone finding out who I really am. I fight at 6pm so it's the first fight of the night which gives me the opportunity to study all the other fighters later on.

Have you ever walked into a room and you can feel all eyes on you? Well that's me right now, as soon as I walked into the rings it almost went silent, I'm guessing they don't get new people very often. As I look around no one is really wearing a disguise like me there is the odd few but I'm guessing most people wear a disguise on a daily basis or they don't mind the fame. The other thing I notice is there are quite a few girls not all of them were just there to watch most were there to fight. No wonder this is the most popular street fighting clinic in the state.

I work up to the ring I'm fighting in, the match starts in 10 minutes. I take my jumper off and leave it to the side being careful my mask doesn't slip up when I pull the jumper over my head. As I look around the crowd still a lot of eyes are on me the word must of got around that theres a new kid in town. The  announcer makes his way into the middle of the ring holding the microphone in his hand, he quickly has a look over at our gloves I'm guessing to check that we haven't added any sharp things, once everything is good  to go he shouts "fight" and we are off. 

This guy is heavy on his feet and he is bouncing around like a bouncy ball, no one has made a move yet, he is trying to figure me out I can tell but I'm not giving anything away. He got fed up and threw a punch to my right shoulder, I moved away from it before he could hit me and this caused him to lose balance, I jabbed my fist in between his shoulder blades then he was really off balance and I finished him off with a swipe under his feet. he was laying on the ground in pain (weakling). "diesel wins." The announcer shouts, the stands fill with claps but there is no cheering like I used to get, I am the new guy though.

I clean myself up and wait for the next fight to start, there's one more fight till the top fighter is on at 7pm. I don't know what to expect from the top fighter, he is probably strong but at the same time he would have to be smart, no one can fight without having some smartness. The fight that just finished after mine was long both fighters were strong and it took a long time for Tank to get Rusty on the ground, I think what happened is Rusty ran out of breath because they both got some good hits in but Rusty couldn't hold it any longer. 

It doesn't take long and the stands are filled with people not a seat left in site, it's 6:45pm so I'm guessing everyone is here to watch lightning which I found out is the name of the top fighter. Copper is already in the ring and he is looking anxious talking to one of his friends. I'm guessing Lighting wants to make a big entrance so he should turn up soon. Just as I say that the crowd starts cheering and chanting for Lighting but i can't see him anywhere I don't  know where to look. Lighting steps up to the ring he has a jumper on and a hood over his head I'm guessing he is one to dress in a disguise. His back is to me so I can't see him properly. The next thing I know he removes his hood and unzips his jacket. He just happens to not be a he, I can still only see her back but her hair is in a high pony and from what I can she is only dressed in a sports bra (dear lord teasing all us). Thats when I see her, it can't be no I'm dreaming, Ellie? She turns around to collect he pink gloves from a guy behind the ropes. But how is this possible, Ellie from the park the pretty Ellie, Ellie that has the body of and angel, the same Ellie that I just couldn't figure out. One she is a fighter but two how is she the best fighter, she has never lost a match from what I've heard.


Blake's POV

As soon as I stepped foot through the doors the crowd went wild. When I step up onto the ring all my focus is on my opponent, I block out all the background noise and focus. I get my gloves from Jake then I'm ready. It doesn't take long for the announcer to shout "fight" before we are off. Copper wastes no time, he throws a punch to my stomach but I saw it coming before he even moved so I was well out of the way when his arm flew out. I danced around from a bit just toying with him, he tried throwing punch after punch but I dodged them all he then tried swiping his feet under my ankles thinking he would catch me off guard which he almost did so I had to recover but doing a back hand spring and bringing my fist up to collide with his face then his stomach then his shoulder by then he was doubling over in pain so I push him in the back and sent him to the ground. I was announced the winner and I was out of the ring in no time, I was ready to head home take a shower and go to bed.


I was really excited when writing this chapter its probs one of my favourites so far. Sorry for all the changes in POV but I hope you like Mason's POV where you get to find out what he thinks of Blake and Ellie 😂

Thank you for reading as always, please comment what you think of the book/chapter and vote it means a lot thank you ♡

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