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Warning not very PG rated  read at your own risk.

I wake up to the sound of someone's voice but I can't make out who's voice it is because of my throbbing headache and my eyes just don't seem to want to focus. I look to the direction of the voice but still can't make out who it is. I look to my left on the bedside table to see a tablet and a glass of water, I'm guessing it's for my head must of partied hard last night can't even remember where I am, maybe I'm in my bed and Jakes talking to one of his friends he went out with. The Panadol starts to kick in and my eye sight starts coming back. It is then that my eyes focus in on Mason, yeah Mason Hunter. I instantly smile just seeing him pacing across the room with his shirt off, which is really a gift from a heaven. I just lay there watching him and admiring him, then I hear him say "2 guys, tried to rape my friend Ellie she is okay but I would like these guys arrested." It is then that every event of last night starts coming back to me I remember everything that happened. How I was pushed up against the wall how they told me not to make a sound how they forced my clothes off. I start to freak out.

"Mason what's happening?" I say anxiously.

"One sec officer."

"Officer?Mason tell me what's going on." I shouldn't be snapping he wasn't even stalling he was just being polite being nice.

"Ellie, I had to call the police what those guys did last night was against the law."

"I know but do you have to do that now?" I was freaking out I didn't want to be questioned I just wanted them to never do it again to anyone.

"Ellie it's kinda a serious situation."

"I know" I say with a wave of sadness hitting me "instead of doing that just come here"

"Please just find them and lock them up they deserve a long time in jail." Mason says before hanging up. I imagine he already described there features I just didn't want him to tell them anymore about me because then I might be brought in for questioning and I don't want that.

He picks up his shirt from the end of the bed and pulls it over his head, it makes me a bit sad that I no longer get to sneek glances at his fucking 8 pack.

He lays down with me and I snuggle into his chest and he starts to play with my hair, he's really not the guy he is at school, at school he's the guy that just wants to get laid and just ditch the girl then that girl is a slut. It's weird how it works but it seems to be a system at school. I start to drift to sleep and he realises and just gently kisses the top of my forehead and then instantly get a rush of adrenaline. I look up and kiss him solfly on his lips then I get more agressive and agressive. He pulls me on top of him. And I don't know what has hit me but I don't stop him.


This is amazing, Ellie just made a move on me and their is no way I would ever turn her down. I'm kissing her up and down her neck I move up her neck to her lips and kiss them passionately. She bites my lip and it feels so familiar. I open my eyes and look at her it's like she has the same feeling I did but I mean of course it feel familiar we have both kissed people before! We just stare at each other for a while before she smashed her lips to mine and it turns into a full on make out session, she moans my name multiple times and I'm finding it harder and harder to stay in control.
"If we don't stop now I don't think I will be able to." I say to her with a few kisses in between.

"Then don't stop." Wait she's willing to give her self to me? "Mason I've done it before you don't need to be scared." A hint of disappointment hits me but I brush it off, of course she has done it before she is beautiful and she goes to lots of parties.

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