13//Creepy Fan

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Today me and Mason walked into school hand in hand, literally. After talking all night I told him he could sleep at my house and we arrived at school together. As we were walking up to the front door I could feel eyes burning into my back, I turn around to look where it's coming from. I spot a group of girls looking our way but I can tell it's not the disappointed eyes. I continue looking around but I can't seem to spot where the burning stare is coming from so I turn around just in time to walk though the front door and the feeling goes.

On and off all day I can feel the burning eyes in the back of my head and every time I turn around I can never find the eyes. By the end of the day I find myself clinging to Mason I guess in fear. When the bell signalling the end of the day rings I dart up out of my seat, grab Mason's hand and pretty much run out of school.

"Who are you fighting tonight?" Mason asks when we are in the car. You may be thinking, I thought Blake and Mason were going head to head, well we were but Mason changed it behind my back but I couldn't be bothered getting into a bigger fight so I just let it go.

"I don't even know who I'm fighting tonight but I think I'm fighting at 6pm so we better get to my house." Mason starts the car and we are off.

By 5pm I'm dressed in a Nike sports bra and leggings with a black jumper over the top. My wavy blonde hair is tired up in a high pony. Mason is dressed in his disguise with his over sized jumper with a big hood that is over his head but under he wears a mask is case the the hood comes off. Once we are both set we grab our bags and head to the streets.

When we get there we go to the change rooms not bothering to watch any of the matches. Time flies and before I know it it 5:50pm and I have to get ready for my fight. I stretch and warm up until it's bang on 6pm.

"Good luck I'll be watching." Mason gives me a peck on the lips.

"You too, in case I don't see you before your fight but I'll be there cheering you on." I then peck him and I make my way to the ring.

"Ahh look here she comes once again people, Lightning!!!" The crowd goes wild as I jog up to the ring I take off my jumper and slip on my pink gloves. I take this time to see who my opponent is, it's a girl she goes by the name of Gem, she is a good fighter but she needs more meat and muscle but she is smart, very smart. I don't like fighting the girls because they get hurt more than boys, well maybe not because a lot of them are better than a lot of guys but I still feel bad. When I finish putting my gloves on I take my stance.


I don't normally send the first punch but when fighting Gem I do because she takes forever to figure you out so from the word go I start. I punch her stomach then as I send one to her shoulder she blocks it and punches my side, I recover quickly and send an upper cut to her stomach. She then throws a few punches at me and I only manage to dodge one making me a bit weak. She quickly notices I'm weak and knees me in the stomach, then again. I need to think fast before she gets me on the ground. As she goes to knee me in the stomach again, when she puts her head down I grab it while moving her knee and bring her head to my knee. When I let her go she falls to the ground. Knocked out, well lucky there isn't a rule for knocking people out. 

I limp out of the ring and when I reach the stairs Mason is there to help me down. He then takes me to the change rooms to clean up.

"Blake!" Mason shouts at me as soon as we are behind closed doors.


"You can't do that."

"Do what?"

"Let's her keep kneeing you over and over."

"It was like two or three times, I'm fine."

"Right that's why you can hardly walk."

"You need to stretch." I say trying to change the subject.

"Fine but we will talk about this later."

After Mason stretches and I rest for a bit it's pretty much 6:30pm meaning Mason is up to fight. I make my way out of the change rooms to find a good spot to watch the fight. The fight isn't quick Mason is fighting one of the top fighters and he is doing surprisingly well, they have both got a fair share of kicks and punches in but not one of them are looking tired. Mason gets flung at the ropes but he bounces of and sends a massive punch to the guys face at the same time kicking his ankles so he looses his balance and falls over (my move). The guy is to sore to get up so Mason is named the winner.

"Diesel wins!" The crowd cheers surprisingly loud for a new fighter and I'm impressed.

"Well done." I say to Mason.

"Don't sound so surprised babe."

"Oh shut up you. Let's get out of here." Mason nods in agreement and we make our way out.

On our way out we are stopped by fans asking for photos and signatures so we stop and do so, taking what feels like 1000 photos and my hand feels like it's going to fall off that how many signatures I've signed.

When we are finally in the car park this one guy comes running after us.

"Lightning! Lightning! Can we please get a picture?"

"Sure." I say and Mason offers to take the photo so I stand next to the fan and the next thing I know he puts his arm around me and rests his hand on my bum.

"Umm can you please move your hand." I say feeling a little uncomfortable. He moves his hand but he doesn't move it off my bum no he moves it lower and reaches under my bum and gives it a little squeeze.

"Maybe this photo was a bad idea." I say as I try to get away.

"I'm sorry I was just joking." I give him another chance when he moves his arm around my shoulders.

"Ok 1...2...3!" And just and Mason takes the photo the creep moves his hand just in time and grabs my boob. Mason isn't very happy.

"Ok I think you need to back off you have no respect!" Mason shouts at the guy. The creep just smirks and snatches his phone out of Mason's hands and runs away.

"I'm disappointed you don't recongnise me." That's all the creep says before he turns and leaves.

"Mason can we leave?" I say feeling really shaken up and scared for a second time today.

"Let's go."

All the way home I was shaking in fear and when we got to my house Mason had to practically carry me inside. Mason places me on the sofa and goes into the kitchen to talk to my brother. I close my eye and take deep breaths but I end up hyperventilating because flashbacks of that night at Mason's party start running through my head. I remember how close I was to getting rapped, and after that creep started touching me inappropriately after my fight today I've been on edge big time. I can't stop the flashbacks from spinning in my head, it's like I've made my own movie. I keep hyperventilating and freaking out until everything goes...
Cliffhanger, soz not soz you know you love me. Hehe

Thanks for reading yet another chapter. Please continue to vote and come it means so much. Love you guys lots xx

Ps the other day I was reading through some of my chapters and I apologise for all the mistakes because there are so many but I don't edit because I want the chapters up as quick as possible but when the books done there will definitely be editing. Xx

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