18//Heartbreaking Tears

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I couldn't sleep all night with constant thoughts rushing through my head. What is going to happen what if I can't handle all this loss what if I make the wrong decision and Jake gets hurt then it could be someone else like my mum all because I finally slowed down and decided to fight for a girl but what if I have to leave Blake and figure it all out but what if she doesn't take me back. To be honest there was no right decision they were both wrong but I know deep down what I have to do but this unknown sick human isn't getting what he wants in the end. The question I keep asking myself, how am I going to live with the pain. I decide to try text the unknown number.

Me: Why are you doing this, why is Blake so important to you?

I am surprised when it sends.

Unknown: What isn't important about THE Blake Ellie Smith is what you should be asking, who doesn't want her.

Me: You win ok I don't want anyone else to get hurt so that means I have to let her go but you will never touch her I promise you that.

I'm not usually the give up but after laying out the pros and cons I know it's the best decision, I hope it doesn't break her. I drive to Blake's house early in the morning before she makes her way to school. Blake answers the door an I tell her we need to talk. We walk out to the backyard and I have no clue where to start, I also hope she doesn't pick up on my bad acting skills.

"Blake sit down." I say to her not knowing how to start thing off.

"No I don't want to sit down, whats going on hurry up because I'm still getting ready for school."

"I don't know how to say this. Blake I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry I stuck by you this whole time making you think it was something that it wasn't because I was trying to prove a point that I could keep a girl for longer than a week." She is looking at me wide eye studying my face and that's when I see a single tear roll down her cheek, she doesn't wipe it away she lets it go all the way down her face.

"I hate you I thought what we had was becoming real after yesterday I have never felt so attached to someone, I was going to talk to you after school today about my past but no you don't not get the pleasure to sit down and talk with me. Do you know what fuck it, my mother was rapped and murdered and after you saved me from getting rapped I thought you were the best man in the world but I was stupid to think that. Just get out of my house I never want to speak to you again." It takes every thing I have in me to not turn around and hold her, her mother was rapped and murdered fuck it must be so hard on her. When we reach the front door I turn around.

"I hope we can still be friends." She punches me straight in the jaw no doubt breaking it.

"Go to hell!" She say with tear running down her face and she slams the door in my face.

I jump in my car and speed off but with the tears clouding my eyes I have no choice but to pull over, I pull over and cry, I cry as much as I cried when I found out my brother died, I cry because this is what it feels like to loose someone you care about again. I sit there in my car crying for hours and let sleep take over me.



And to think I was falling for him, a low life fuckboi. When I slammed the door on his face I ran up stairs to cry and to think I'm crying over a fucking boy, I know low but I can't help it the water works just won't stop, maybe it's due to the fact that I blurted out what happened to my mum in the middle of our argument but I wanted him to know what I felt when he saved me from my biggest fear. But it was all just a game to him all of it, he even pretended to care about me when I was in hospital.

Hours have gone by and my plans to go back to school today, ruined. I haven't left my room and it's noon, every now and again a stray tear rolls down my cheek but I don't let it bother me I have to move on, show Mason what he is missing. I hear a knock on my door and it's Jake again he has been knocking at least twice every hour to make sure I'm ok but I'm not ready to come out and relive it all so I stay hidden away in my bedroom where I dream of Mason climbing through my window and shouting 'PRANKED YOU' then I'll punch and kick him while he defends himself, then I'll give him the cold shoulder and he will continuously apologise, then out of nowhere I'll forgive him and we will fall asleep in each others arms.

But that only happens in fairytales and this is far from a fairytale this isn't even a normal persons life, this is my life and my life is messed up.

At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon I adventure out of my room because crying makes you starving or maybe it's due to the fact that its 2 o'clock and I haven't even had breakfast. I stand there staring at the fridge like food with magically appear. I then feel the strong arms of my brother wrap around me.

"Hey baby sis."


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm going to need some ice cream first." I say looking in the freezer to see we have none.

"Okay put a movie on and I'll be right back with ice cream." I do as Jake says I go into the theatre room and put on Tangled. I decide to wait for Jake until I start the movie because I know how much he loves Tangled. It doesn't take long before we are sat on the couch eating our tubs of ice cream while I explain the whole story.

"Can I punch the son of a bitch?"

"I already did."

"He is going to pay for what he did to you Blake I will not let this pass. I'm going to talk to him even if it's the worst thing I do."


OMG 1K reads thank you so much I never even dreamed of 1K reads I love you all so much. Sorry for the depressing chapter 😁

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