Chapter Five

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'There's my supermodel,' Conor grinned, sliding an arm around my waist and squeezing. I was sitting in the hotel bar with Rachel, Josh, and Jackson, and it appeared that Name Withheld had finished with their interviews. 'How'd it go?'

I shrugged. 'Okay, I guess. He's gonna send me the photos tonight.'

'What are you gonna do with them?' Sally asked. 'Like start sending them to agencies?'

I shrugged again. I had no idea what you were supposed to do with headshots, it felt weird even being the kind of person who had headshots. Maybe I should ask Chloe.

'Harley's handling all your PR for now, right?' Conor prompted gently. 'So you should just send them to him, he'll know what to do. Set you up with some offers, probably.'

That sounded reasonable so I nodded.

'So are you gonna be a model now?' Philip interjected. 'Because I feel like there's an avenue here where I can conceivably spend more time around really hot girl models and you would really be doing me a solid.'

'I dunno,' I muttered awkwardly. I hadn't thought about any of this very much. I wasn't sure I wanted to be a model. What did being a model mean? I wasn't sure I encompassed the totality of traits required for the job. Maybe Chloe would know.

'Did you meet any other models at the photoshoot thing?' Daniel added.

'Uh, yeah, actually. Chloe Watson was there.'

I was met with a wall of stunned silence.

'Why didn't you mention this before?' Rachel demanded. 'Chloe freaking Watson?'

'Yeah, she recognised me from that Elton John thing at Christmas. She really likes Name Withheld,' I added.

'Oh my god,' Philip and Daniel said in unison.

'I let her listen to some of the stuff you guys have been working on and I think I'm having lunch with her tomorrow.'

'Oh my God,' they repeated. Daniel added, 'Can we come?'

'Don't be idiots,' Conor told them, rolling his eyes. 'That's really great,' he said to me. 'You should go, it would be really good exposure for you if this is something you're gonna pursue.'

I hadn't thought of it like that but I supposed he was right.

'What did she think of the new stuff?' he asked, grinning again.

'Crashing Down is her favourite too,' I said, realising I felt smug that she agreed with me as I said it. It really was bizarre the way one interaction with her left me wanting to impress her and be liked by her. She had the same quality as Conor did of making you feel like the most special person in the room to the coolest person in the room.

'I even impressed myself with that one,' Conor joked.

'Okay, okay, enough circle-jerking,' Josh decided, starting to stand up. 'We have three days in this city and it's very big, let's go see some of it.'

We spent the rest of the day being tourists, which is not something we really get to do very often anymore. There are only a handful of places Conor or any of the rest of the band can go without getting recognised and mobbed anymore, so it was nice to spend some time in a city where everyone is famous and nobody cares how many records you sold last year. We were approached a grand total of three times and one of them was just a guy looking for directions.


'What time are you meeting Chloe?' Conor asked the next morning as he rifled through his suitcase looking for something to wear. He and the band were spending the day doing more promo stuff for the tour, including meeting a couple of fans who had won a competition to hang out with them for a few hours before the show later that night.

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