Dear Parker

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I want to thank everyone who has read Dear Jane, and stuck with it.
One night I heard a boy crying, and I thought someone was in my house. Maybe I'm crazy, but it ended up being from the dream I woke up from.
I didn't know this was how the story would unfold. I listened to Parker, and he talked often about a girl named Jane who had moved away.
I was wrong. Jane didn't just move away.
The last journal entry from Parker is what I heard, when he was crying in my mind.
Dear Parker is playing out the same way. I'm shocked at how the story is going. I've never erased anything I first typed. Its all raw and original, these characters are as real as you and me in my life.
I hope you laughed, cried, loved, or hurt like I did as I was invested in this story.
Dear Parker will begin February 12th, the contents Parker himself read before writing his last journal entry.
I love you all, and thank you for everything. (:


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