Chapter 53

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Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up rolling over and right onto the floor. I groaned standing up and stretching. Everyone was still asleep but Kaylee was missing. I shrugged walking to the bathroom having to pee terribly bad.

"Kayls? I have to use the bathroom." I said knocking on the door. There was a lot of shuffling and bumping around before she came out looking flustered her hands tucked under her shirt. 

"O-oh s-s-sorry." She muttered before hurrying down the hall into her bunk.

I shrugged too tired to think anything of it. I walked over to the toilet pulling down my zipper sighing at the relief. I hummed looking over at the sink seeing a little white slip thing. I finished doing my thing and walked over to it picking it up.

"Oh my gosh...." I stared wide eyed at the pregnancy test in my hand that read positive. Kaylee.... was pregnant?

I took a deep breath... I have to tell Niall or somebody.... I can't, not before I talk to Kaylee.I left the bathroom returning to my bunk rather than the uncomfortable couch. Better.


I woke up the sound of cheering and screaming sounding off, lads must be watching a game and or playing one. 

"Morning lads." I smiled looking into the back den.

"Hey Harry!" Zayn waved the others too enveloped in the game. 

I walked into the front of the bus deciding to make a cup of tea. 

"Well you're good right?" I heard Riley's voice say as I walked past the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm kinda happy." Kaylee's voice answered faintly.

"You should be. Just don't tell anyone about this and yeah." Riley laughed before the door opened. I jumped back her eyes squinting at me. "How much did you hear?"

"None I was just uh walking by." I smiled innocently at her. She rolled her eyes ruffling up my already messy hair. "Tea?"

"I'd love some." She smiled taking a seat on the couch. Kaylee came sauntering in a smile on her face sitting next to Riley.

Why was she so happy!? She was pregnant at 18! That's not good considering her boyfriend is a popstar who will probably be traveling the world for anothr=er 3-4 years.

"Uh Kaylee you want some tea?"

"Yes please Harry." She said grabbing the magazine that rested on the little table. I made the two girls their tea handing it to them and sitting in front of them as they chit chatted.

"But yeah I leave to go back home this weekend." Riley told Kaylee making me spit out my tea.

"You what?" I asked breathlessly.

"Yeah.... school starts up again...." She giggled ahint of sadness in her voice. 

"Oh well.... then we should all go out tonight, yeah?" Kaylee suggested smirking at the two of us. 

"I like that idea!" Riley piped up. Over the next couple hours we all got ready, letting Riley pick the club of choice since she was leaving. 

Once we got there we were happy to see it wasnt too crowded but crowded enough. We all slid into a round booth toward the back of the club as Niall ordered a round of shots to start off the night. 

Kaylee's P.O.V.

I hung onto Nialls arm as we all laughed at something ridiculous Louis said. "Alright first round on the house, big fan boys." A man smiled placing a tray on the table.

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