Chapter 63

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Harry's P.O.V.

"C'mon lads we were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago!" Niall shouted running around the apartment. "Louis ya look good! Stop fussin' with ya hair! Zayn y'too!"

"It's 9 in the bloody morning." Liam muttered from next to me. 

"Hey in all fairness we could've been up at 6 if Louis hadn't turned off his alarm clock." I chuckled. I was lent up against the door when someone knocked on it. I stepped forward opening it to see Niall's mum.

"Mrs. Horan!" I smiled pulling her into a hug. "How are you doing on this lovely morning?"

"Good, good. I could hear my little one screaming all the way from across the hall." She laughed stepping in.

"Morning ma'!" Niall waved running past us to go drag Louis out of the bathroom. "Louis i swear t'god if ya don't hurry up!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Louis huffed shuffling out of the bathroom.

"Alright, quick everyone out." Niall pushed us all out and into the elevator. "We should've been there hours ago. My damn alarm clock musta broke!" He groaned as we all looked over at Louis smirking.

"Yeah, terrible." Louis mumbled throwing an arm around Niall making us all stifle our laughter.


By the time we got to the hospital it was about quarter to ten. We all followed Niall down the hall as he stuck his hands in his pockets, it was freezing in here.

"Kaylee babe!" He smiled all of us walking into the room and over to where she was sat up in bed talking to Riley.

"Hi love." I smiled standing next to her.

"Hey." She looked up at me giving me a small smile before looking back over at Kaylee who was now occupied with Niall.

"You alright? Your eyes are all red... have you been crying?" I bent down beside her and she shook her head giving me a kiss.

"I'm fine, Harry." She whispered as everyone took a seat around the room. 

"We would've been here earlier but the lads couldn't get ready!" Niall groaned all of us shrugging guiltily. "And my alarm clock broke." At that Kaylee craned her neck to look over at Louis shooting him a quick wink, smart one she is.

"Oh wow." A nurse walked in stopping and looking around at the very crowded room. "Uh, sorry to interupt but I just need to check somethings." She apologized pushing past Riley and I over to the machines. 

We watched as she fiddled with the machines touching different buttons, turning different notches. "So when is she going to be out?" Niall asked and the nurse turned to look at him.

"Well she's healing okay, not as fast as we would've liked so maybe 3 weeks?" She looked up from her clipboard nodding.

"But Christmas in in 2 1/2 weeks. Is there anyway she would be able to leave then and fly out somewhere?" He asked eagerly biting at his finger nails.

"Uh... I'm not sure. We would have to see how she is then and if we did allow her to leave for christmas I don't know if she'd be able to walk or be in a wheel chair or what... but we will let you know." The nurse smiled at Niall as he nodded.

She finished up a bit later leaving the room. "Do you want to go down and get some breakfast?" I asked Riley as she sat back in the chair her hands folded on her lap.

"Uh, yeah I guess." She stood up grabbing her bag telling Kaylee we would be back in a bit. We left the room, my hands stuffed into my pocket as we entered a cold hallway. 

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