Chapter 79

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(guys please remember this is my story. I'm not writing to please you, I'm writing for your enjoyment! I know what I'm doing and where I'm going with it. A lot of you are saying I'm rushing but trust me, I have a plan for everything. Need I remind you that there are less than 20 chapters left and that might seem a lot to you, but it's very little to me. So please, I know what I'm doing!! :)

"What?" He sat back, his eyes wide. 

"Uhm, remember when we went out to dinner before you left and we came back home and yanno, well you were a little eager and we seemed to forget a little blockade if you know what I mean." I said quietly. I wasn't really sure how he was going to react, good or bad, I wasn't prepared for either.

"I, yeah I remember uhm, you're sure?" He rubbed the back of his neck and I nodded unbuttoning my coat. The chilled breeze gave my skin goosebumps as I lifted my shirt up to reveal a little bump. "Oh my god." I couldn't get anything out of him, his reaction has been so neutral.

"Yeah, I wanted to wait until I saw you to tell you, I had no idea you were going to propose." I mumbled spinning the ring around on my finger.

"I don't even know what to say. Uhm, I'm on tour for the next 6 months and if you're 3 along then fuck, what if I'm not back or whatever." He leaned forward on the table placing his head in his palms. "You're sure you just didn't get fat?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I didn't think you were going to react so indenial about it.." 

"Well what did you want me to do? Jump up and shout, 'yes I'm so happy that I got my 19 year old girlfriend pregnant and I'm only 1/3 of the way through my world tour! yes'. I mean c'mon Kaylee, you didn't expect me to be happy, did you?" He laughed lightly leaning back again.

"No but I didn't expect you to be so blunt and rude about it either. I wasn't exactly happy either when I found out, this fucked my entire plan up, finishing classes, getting a job."

"Alright get rid of it." He leaned forward staring at me. "No, don't do that, please." He huffed running his hands over his face. "How could we be so stupid?" 

"We can't tell anyone, I don't want anyone to know." I stood up rebuttoning my coat.

"Not even Riley or the boys?" He asked and I shook my head. "Well, they'll know eventually."

"Duh, I just... not yet, I'm not ready to tell them. Can we go back to the hotel?" He nodded and got up as we took the lift back down to the bottom.

When we got back to the hotel, the lobby was still buzzing with people but thankfully our room is far enough up where it's nice and quiet. "I'm sorry I ruined our night." I sighed sitting down on the bed and taking off my coat.

"Kayls, you didn't ruin anything. If anything it's my fault for being a horny idiot 3 months ago. It's gonna be fine." He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Plus, now we get to be hot parents." He joked making me laugh.

"I guess, when I get back from this trip I get to go see the gender." I told him sifting through my bag to find pajamas. 

"Really? Skype me after and let me know, I'm hoping for a boy." He grinned standing up and taking his shirt off, throwing it onto the floor.

"Of course you are." I rolled my eyes making my way over to the fruit basket. It looked to good to eat. I took a quick picture before taking out one of the strawberry and blueberry flowers. 

"It's kind of, I don't know, nice that you got pregnant. That whole thing a couple months ago when we weren't sure was really scary and now it's just like, we did it." He shrugged as I picked at all the other kinds of fruits, oo kiwi!

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