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Harley Quinn awoke in a large cage with the most painful headache she's ever experienced

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Harley Quinn awoke in a large cage with the most painful headache she's ever experienced. That was saying a lot considering the amount of times the young girl had been knocked out. Her (for once) clean body ached as she took in the room outside of the large metal bars. Three men stood at the opposite side of the room, all of them perking up at Harley gaining consciousness. One was looking over an intimidating amount of weaponry, another stared at the criminal while the third looked completely out of place in his seemingly new suit. Harley grinned, sitting up. The one who wouldn't look away stepped forward until he was in front of her cage while the one in the suit dismissed himself.

"Are you the devil?" Harley asked, voice scratchy. The green eyed man in front of her chuckled pulling out a gun.

"Not too far from it." He smirked, pointing the gun at the girl in front of him. "Name's Dean. You want to tell me what business you had at the murder scene of Andrew Lavin?"

"I'd rather not." Harley hummed, the grin Dean so badly wanted to slap off remaining on her pale face. "But, I can tell you why he deserved to die." While some thought of Harley Quinn as a ruthless monster, she believed she was doing the right thing for the people of Arkham City. She took down the bad guys who would've caused more trouble than she did by killing them off. Although Dean didn't see it in that moment, the Quinn girl wasn't so different from the Winchester boys.

"That's cute, but we know you killed him. No use in hiding it anymore sweetheart." Dean scowled.

Harley sighed, spreading her arms behind her head. Dean didn't scare her in the slightest. She had faced and would continue to face things much more dangerous than a hunter with anger issues. "Okay, you caught me! I'm your murderer! But, you should know that I killed a monster, not some top notch banker with hair almost as fake as his wife."

Sam Winchesters interest sparked at this statement. He walked towards the cage, pushing his brothers gun down. "What do you mean a monster?"

"Oh, come on!" Harley laughed. "You two know better than anyone that there are things out there worse than me."

"What, you're saying Lavin was supernatural?" Dean questioned. Sure, there was always the possibility of a supernatural being causing hell, but there was no evidence that the murder was anything more than an everyday crime.

"I'm saying that when you two geniuses opened the gates to hell, a demon thought having a model citizen meat suit was a swell idea. Does that sound so far fetched?" Harley squinted, a sarcastic tone in her voice. Despite her criminal record, Harley Quinn wasn't stupid. She knew what lurked in the shadows and she also knew the best ways to kill them, but the most important thing she knew was a way to save none other than Dean Winchester.

"How the hell did you kill a demon." Sam asked incredulously. Harley rolled her eyes rising to her feet, it made her feel somewhat more powerful even though the brothers still towered over her.

"Don't think just because I'm a girl I couldn't kick your ass Sammy." The blonde growled. Sam's eyebrows shot up at the girls outburst, but his brother failed to refrain himself from snickering. Detective Jordan entered the room again, taken aback by an on guard Harley Quinn. "So, are you going to let me out or leave me here to rot?"

"Eh, I don't know that's a tough one." Dean sighed, pretending to be in deep thought. Harley rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest

"Dean, we can't leave her here. She just did what we do on a daily basis." Sam shrugged, his sensible trait kicking in as he locked eyes with the girl in front of him. Dean stared at his brother in disbelief before motioning to the cage in annoyance. Sam undid the multiple locks that kept Harley locked up, sending her a sheepish smile as she walked out.

"Thank you." She muttered sarcastically. "Well, it was a real pleasure but I'm going to take off."

"No you're not." Detective Jordan interjected. Harley giggled at his attempt to be bold and confident, as if he would ever face her alone. Sam and Dean looked back and forth between the two before the detective spoke up. "You know how to save Dean, don't you?"

"I know who can save him." Harley smirked.

"Who?" Sam asked urgently.

Harley licked her lips, sizing the taller Winchester up before answering his question. "The Angels." She shrugged. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't think of it yet. It's pretty obvious."

"She's full of shit, just let her go." Dean grumbled. Harley rolled her eyes. They didn't believe her, but they would once Castiel pulled the grump out of the pit.

"Have fun in hell." Harley winked before strutting out of the abandoned warehouse.

Their loss.

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