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   When Castiel entered the warehouse he brought a profound silence with him

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When Castiel entered the warehouse he brought a profound silence with him. Nobody knew what to say, this being the first time Sam, Dean and Bobby had seen an angel. As for Harley, she was just shocked to see the only person she'd ever had feelings for again. Eventually, the hunters slowly lowered their guns as Cas stood before them in all his angelic glory.

  "Well this is wild." Harley commented after a moment of silence.

"Hello, Harley." Castiel spoke finally. Harley raised her eyebrows at the simple greeting.

"Really," Dean remarked. "That's all you have to say after lifting me from the freaking depths of hell!"

"We need to talk, Dean." Cas stared blankly before glancing over to Bobby, Sam and Harley. "Alone, I'm afraid."

Harley began to protest, knowing what was coming next but Castiel interrupted her by placing a finger on her forehead rendering her unconscious. Before Bobby or Sam could voice their concern, the angel repeated his actions on the two hunters. The three fell to the ground while Dean was left alone and although he wouldn't show it, he was scared out of his mind. He rushed to their sides before looking back up at Castiel with cold eyes.

"Your friends are alive, Dean, don't worry. My name is Castiel, I am an angel of the lord." He spoke confidently.

"Yeah, Harley's told us all about you." Dean rolled his eyes.  "Frankly, I think she's full of bullshit and this is all some big scam. There's no such thing as angels."

"That's your problem, Dean. You have no faith." A ghost of a smirk made its way onto Castiel's face before lightening stroke, sending a shadow of angel wings against the wall behind him. They took up the entire warehouse wall, causing Dean's eyes to widen in shock. However, the lightening stopped and Dean was snapped out of his trance, his mind going back to the horrible things that Castiel had done.

"Well some angel you are." He spat recalling events from before the Winchester's travelled to Harley. Since they weren't too keen on the idea of visiting the criminal, Bobby suggested they go visit an old psychic friend of his. Long story short, the woman did come into contact with Castiel, but it wasn't such a peaceful meeting. "Harley has no clue what you've been up to since I've been back. You burned out that poor woman's eyes."

Castiel looked down in shame. "I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be overwhelming to humans. So can my real voice, but you already knew that."

Deans eyebrows creased as he thought of the times he was overwhelmed with a strange high pitched wailing. "You mean like at the gas station and the hotel. That was you talking? Buddy, next time, lower the volume."

"It was my mistake. Certain people - special people - can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong."

"And what visage are you in now, huh? What - holy tax accountant?" Dean questioned, referring to the trench coat and tie Castiel was dressed in. It wasn't exactly the attire Dean would imagine an angel wearing.

"This? This is a vessel." Castiel adjusted his coat.

"You're possessing some poor bastard?" Dean spoke, suddenly angry. He had cases like this daily. Some poor innocent man possessed by a higher power. It wasn't right, and the fact that Castiel was an angel didn't make the matter any better.

"He's a devout man. He actually prayed for this." Castiel tried his best to explain.

Dean scoffed, not believing a word the angel was saying. "Look, pal, I'm not buying what you're selling. So who are you, really?"

"I told you." Cas spoke, confused.

"Right." Dean sighed. "And why would an angel rescue me from hell?"

"Good things do happen, Dean." Castiel took a step forward.

"Not in my experience." Dean choked out. It wasn't every day that either of the Winchester's caught a break. Every morning they awoke to a world that not a lot of people knew about. Sam and Dean knew the real threats that walked the streets every day and devoted their lives to stopping them. They were always doing the saving, not receiving it.

"What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved." Castiel's eyebrows creased as he studied the broken man before him.

"Why'd you do it?" Dean questioned, ignoring what the angel had said. "Why'd you bring me back?"

"Because God commanded it." Castiel began, making Dean step back in shock. "Because we have work for you."


After the meeting with Castiel, Dean wouldn't utter a word to anyone - not even Sam. He only chimed in when Harley announced she would be on her way. The Winchester's couldn't afford to face this foreign force alone, they needed someone with knowledge on the subject. So, Dean fought for Harley to stay with them for the time being - and nobody objected. It was a kind gesture that actually made Harley genuinely happy (which didn't happen every day). She was never avidly needed in a group and it was a nice change to be involved.

Once the group arrived back at Bobby's, Dean began talking the second they walked through the door. "I don't buy it."

"How can you not buy it, Dean. This is an angel!" Sam exclaimed, astonished while Harley rolled her eyes.

"You do know I used to be an angel, right?" Harley chuckled, watching as Dean paced around the living room in denial. Bobby groaned, taking a seat at his desk where he began the hours of research ahead of him.

"Yeah, well, you're crazy you could've just imagined the whole thing." Dean exclaimed, thinking of any possible reason that would rationalize his thoughts. Harley threw her hands up in defeat, leaving Sam to deal with his brother.

"What else could it have been, Dean?" Sam sighed, watching his brother from beside Harley. The two were wearing equally amused expressions which just enraged Dean more.

"Look, all I know is I was not groped by an angel!" Dean grumbled, waving his hands around like a madman.

"Well, why would Castiel lie?" Sam shot another question at Dean.

"I don't know! Maybe he's some sort of demon - demons lie!" The hunter suggested. Harley threw her head back groaning. "What's up with you?"

"Is it really so difficult for you to imagine that maybe - just maybe - this could be good for you?" Harley sighed, a blank expression on her face, as the brothers looked at her shocked.

"She didn't laugh, that was weird." Dean looked at Harley, confused.

"Dude, she actually has a point." Sam uttered, staring at  the blonde beside him who winked back. The youngest Winchester looked back to his brother, who resumed his pacing, trying to hide the small smile threatening to appear on his face.

"Of course I do, I'm Harley Quinn!"

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