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"Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!" The shrill chant echoed in the small motel room as Harley jumped around, decorating

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"Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!" The shrill chant echoed in the small motel room as Harley jumped around, decorating. "Ah, yes. The holiday in which what I wear on a daily basis is acceptable."

"Ou! So you're whipping out the old face paint and soot?" Dean muttered with false enthusiasm causing Harley's shoulders to slump.

Before Harley could retaliate, the youngest Winchester sauntered through the motel door, file in hand. "Happy Halloween." He remarked, slamming it onto the table Dean was currently sitting at. Harley moved closer in order to read the contents of the file, which seemed like a rather normal Halloween crime until she read deeper.

"That many razors in one candy bar?" She raised her eyebrows in astonishment.

"Yup. That's what make its our kinda case." Sam sighed, placing a hand on each hip. "So, we wanna go check it out?"

Both Harley and Dean nodded, beginning to gather their things while Sam scanned the newly decorated motel room. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw an all-too realistic demon head. "Where the hell did you buy that." Sam chuckled, knowing it was Harley's idea to decorate the apartment.

"Oh," Harley chuckled, standing in front of the head with Sam. "I didn't buy it." She wrinkled her nose, tapping the oblivious boy on the shoulder.


Sam stood in the middle of the recently widowed woman's kitchen awkwardly conversing while Harley and Dean scanned the place for anything supernatural-like.

"So, exactly how many razor blades did the police find?" He inquired, glancing discretely at Harley who found the stash of candy and snuck a piece. Sam tried to refrain from smiling, of course she would eat the candy that had caused a mans demise not hours before.

"Two on the floor, one in his stomach and one was stuck in his throat." The woman stood still in shock. Her arms were crossed over her stomach, hugging herself in an attempt of comfort. "He swallowed four of them. How is that even possible?"

Dean walked in front of the oven, which Harley knew he was about to check. He nodded subtly towards the sink and she got the hint to check the drain for any sign of hex bags. However, the two may not have been as discrete as they thought they were since both Sam and the woman turned their attention towards them.

"The candy was never in the oven," She squinted at Dean, before noticing Harley's strange behavior also. "Or the sink?"

"We just have to be thorough, Mrs. Wallace." Dean answered dumbly, Harley nodding her head along with him. Sam shook his head.

"Did the police find any razors in the rest of the candy?" Sam continued to talk with Mrs. Wallace. Harley's eyes widened not moments later when she spotted a small bag tucked between a table leg and the wall.

"Hey, Bean." Harley whispered, waving Dean over who rolled his eyes at the nickname. It was created only nights ago when Harley was eating beans and had the revelation that the word was only one letter off from her friends name. She had been relentless ever since, almost driving Dean mad. "Looky here." Dean clicked his tongue, lifting the bag high enough for Sam to notice.

"Mrs. Wallace," Sam looked down, almost regretting the words he was about to ask. "Did Luke have any enemies?"

"Enemies?" The woman's demeanor morphed with shock.

"Anyone who might have held a grudge against him?" Sam persisted.

"What do you mean." Harley bit her lip, sensing Mrs. Wallace begin to become defensive. People never did want to admit that the one the love has faults.

"Coworkers, neighbors," Sam shrugged. "Maybe a woman?"

"Are you suggesting an affair?" Mrs. Wallace asked, bewildered. She scoffed when she realized Sam was dead serious. "N-no Luke would never-. If someone wanted to kill my husband, don't you think they'd find a better way to do it than a razor in a piece of candy he might eat?"

The trio left soon after that, sensing Mrs. Wallace didn't exactly want people who just accused her dead husband of disloyalty in her house. Instead, they retreated back to the motel where Sam began doing research, Dean left to get food for everyone and Harley continued her decorating.

Sam smiled when he saw her struggle to hang a large banner with the words "Have A Spooky Holiday!" plastered on it. He stood, deciding research could wait and walked until he was behind the short girl. She sighed, about to give up on the banner when she felt Sam's arm loop around her and effortlessly pin the cheap decoration up. Harley's breath hitched in her throat when she didn't feel him move afterwards. She could still feel his hot breath on the back of her neck.

"Thanks, Sammy." Harley smiled nervously, spinning around in her place. The youngest Winchester was already grinning down at her when she looked up. It seemed as if their roles switched suddenly and Harley couldn't figure out why her heart was racing.

"Welcome." Sam replied simply. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the daring look in her eyes that always left him speechless. Harley swallowed leaning her hands back on the table behind her. Suddenly, Sam decided that not only did he want to apologize, he needed to. The way he snapped at Harley only days before had clouded his thoughts ever since. The side of her he'd never seen that came out making him want to uncover more of the paradox that was Harley Quinn. "I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Her eyebrows furrowed. Expecting everything but that to come out of Sam's mouth in that moment.

"I lied." Sam chuckled but there was no humor behind it. "Truth is, I am scared. Terrified even, at the fact that there's something i feel for you that isn't purely platonic. But, I know you. I know you're nothing like Ruby. And I know that you deserve far more than me and the fact that you think the complete opposite makes me want to tell you over and over again that you're far better than you think you are."

Harley took a breath, barely comprehending what Sam had just said. For the first time in her life she was speechless, but the look in her eyes was enough for Sam to know she felt the same as he did.

One look at each other and they both knew that they were completely and utterly fucked.

shoutout to you if you caught that parallel ;)))
& yes i know this chapter is short but i wanted to end it with my two babies being cute
next chapter will be long & jam packed soo hopefully that makes up for ittt
lemme know what you think loves
thanks for reading❤️

Harley • spnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora