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A week later, Sam and Dean had dragged Harley to yet another crappy motel in yet another crappy town

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A week later, Sam and Dean had dragged Harley to yet another crappy motel in yet another crappy town. She wasn't sure exactly why they kept her around in times like this. When there was no angel business to attend to and things were normal. Harley was expecting the brothers to throw her on the street and only come back for her when they needed her help. But, apparently she isn't as good at interpreting people's intentions as she thought.

Her bright blue eyes were met with sunlight when she opened them. However, there was a dark shadow looming in front of the blinding sun. Harley smirked once she saw the long trench-coat. "Hello, Cas."

"Hello, Harley." He spoke in a gruff voice. While she sat up stretching her arms Castiel walked slowly over to the bed across from her. He sat next to a soundless Dean which caused Harley to look down confused. Dean was always the one to wake up at the brink of dawn, so why wasn't he awake now? She also didn't see the youngest Winchester anywhere around the room. Noticing her confusion, Castiel chimed in. "I've sent him to the past."

"How the hell did you manage that?" Harley raised her eyebrows impressed.

"I've grown a lot since we last met." Cas spoke, Harley grinning at his choice of words.

"Yeah, I can see that." She laughed, trailing her eyes down the angel's body. A raucous gasp broke the girl from her trance however when Dean sprung up in his bed. Castiel straightened his stance before nodding towards Harley.

"Dean and I have private matters to discuss." He cleared his throat.

"Alright." Harley chirped. "Remember to wrap it before you tap it, Cas."

"I don't understa-" Castiel started before Dean rolled his eyes cutting him off.

"Not important. Bye, Harley." He gave her a sharp glare which caused her shrill laugh to fill the room. Once the door shut, Castiel shook his head turning back to Dean who was rather confused by his time in the past. Castiel had sent him back to a time where his mother was still alive. Not only that, but his father wasn't the hunter in the family - she was. "I couldn't stop any of it. She still made the deal. She still died in the nursery didn't she?" Dean asked referring to his mother.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Cas offered, although his voice remained as stoic as his expression. "You couldn't have stopped it."

Dean rose from the bed, confused as to what the point of this whole thing had been. "What?"

"Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the same destinatio-"

"Then why'd you send me back." Dean choked out, tears beginning to pool in his eyes.

"For the truth. Now you know as much as we do." Castiel spoke. It seemed as if he hadn't taken Dean's emotions into account. Or perhaps he didn't notice how broken the oldest Winchester really was.

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