Chapter 7 - Hell Sweet Hell

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So now I'm finally back home, after almost two days spent in the hospital and under intensive care. I really don't want to go back to school, but I also don't want to miss more class work. Eliza sent me simply a list of the most important things I missed, nothing else, but at least she did that.

"You don't have to go to school tomorrow if you don't want to." My mother keeps reassuring me, but I know I have to go.

"I've missed too much work already."

"Well... It's not that bad. It's almost the end of the year anyway."

"Not really." I say, trying to close the matter. It must be pretty obvious I don't want to go but I'm just forcing myself. My mother sighs softly but doesn't push me anymore.

"Have you taken the pills?" She says.

"They're called antihistamines." I say and she laughs. "And yes."

I sometimes wish I had a little brother or sister. They would take the attention off me. And maybe they'd also be smart.

"How's the piece going? I heard you playing the other day. It sounded nice."

Just then the door opens and my father comes back. He sends me and my mom a smile, then grabs a packet of chips, kisses my mom on the cheek and disappears into his office. Turning away, I roll my eyes. He's been so stressed with work lately, he didn't even turn up at the hospital when I was there.

I understand and all, but this is taking it a bit far. He's just distancing himself from the whole world. In response to my mother, I make my way to the library, where our glorious but old grand piano stands. Sitting down, I adjust the stool as I always do.

My mother leans on the piano until I glare at her and she stands up straight.

The piece starts off simply enough, but within minutes it gets extremely hard.

"This is the Liszt piece, right?"

"It has a name, but yes."

"Someone's acting feisty today." She teases, but shuts up. My eyes shut almost completely and I try to fade into the music. Normally it's easy and it comes completely naturally to me, but today there seems to be something preventing me from doing so.

Nonetheless, I keep at it. I've only learnt about the first fifteen minutes, but the piece is thirty. My mother stands there, obviously enjoying it.

"I'm just going to stay here a while if that's okay. I want to progress a bit." I say and she nods, coming over and hugging me before going out, closing the huge wooden doors.

With all the books there are in here, it makes the library almost soundproof. I stay here until almost 10 at night, at which point I stop because I start to feel a numb pain in my fingers which I only get when I practise for hours on end. I only learnt about two pages, while the whole piece is about thirty- two pages of music. Yeah. But it's a wonderful piece of music.

I love it, and I love being able to play it even more. I would go for competitions, but that would mean public attention and even getting a name for myself, and I really don't need anyone finding out about this. It'll just be another reason for them to torment me. They're all uncivilized apes, and I doubt most of them would even know what to do with a piano if you gave them one.

They'd probably make a nickname for it and hit it with a hammer. They could name it Zerd II.


"ZERD!" There's screams for me all down the corridor, but I try to ignore them. I shouldn't respond to Zerd. It's not even my real name. My name is Zoe.

"So we didn't get rid of her. We'll have to think up more ways." I hear Luke say to Seth as they walk past me. I open my locker extremely cautiously, scared to find another wasp nest or something even worse. Thankfully there's nothing in it except my books and a few other books that some people left for me to do work in over the weekend.

Ugh. After this, does anyone seriously think I'm going to do anything for them? Because I'm not. Without checking the name on any of the books I grab and toss them on the floor, not caring anymore. They set a fucking wasp nest on me. It's not like doing their homework is going to help me.

"Retard." Some boy hisses behind me as a couple of people pick up their books.

I know that when I get back at the end of the day the books will be there. I need to change the combination on my locker really bad. I can't have this happening anymore, because I don't intend to do any of the work placed in it.

After my first two periods, I walk over to reception to ask about getting an extra lock for my locker. They give me one willingly and without problems, since I just put it down to keeping valuables in it, and not wanting to get them stolen. Everyone knows what happened with the wasp nest.

So the lock goes on my locker so no one can get into it.

By the end of the day, the lock has been cut and is placed neatly back in my locker, together with the homework they want me to complete. It was worth it, I guess. There's a note attached.

Nice try Zerd. But it didn't quite work. This homework should be completed and handed back to each respective person on Monday. It seemed you did not take too kindly to the present we left for you in here, and that you would not approve of something of a similar nature being left in here.


L, C and S

Those fucking cunts. And now they're writing all formal. They probably got a smart kid to write it for them, because that's miles away from anything any of the three of them would ever write. They're all mentally retarded.

But calling them mentally retarded isn't going to help me, so I grab the books, shove them in my bag, and tear up the note. Then I slam the locker shut and storm out of the room.

"Get the note, did you, freak?" Someone calls after me, but I don't turn back. Rule No. 1 - Never turn back. 

A/N - I know, another early update. But this book suddenly went from like 80 to 150 in like two days? Thanks so much to everyone who has read, voted and commented. This is only the beginning. 

One of the Bullied | ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ