Chapter 25 - Decisions

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A/N - Sorry for the lateness. Anyway, here it is: (btw I am about to crush your OTP so be warned)

Four hundred dollars. Bloody Rita left four hundred bloody dollars in my locked to make up for my phone. I pocketed them, and I bought myself a new iPhone. The newest one, just to spite Nate and Caleb for smashing it.

I've received various texts from Rita since then, apologising profusely. I still haven't said a proper thank you, because whoever it is, I'm thinking they must have done something awful to feel that bad and leave that much money for me.

If Rita were someone like Eliza, or some nerd boy, then they wouldn't have left me that. They might have rescued the SIM card anyway, but they wouldn't have gone to the extent that Rita went: they wouldn't have left me four hundred dollars.

So it must be someone who's done a lot, someone who feels guilty.

"I say we go to the beach." Jean smiles.

"The beach is really far away." I groan.

"Well, you have a pool." He grins, peeking out of the window. I shrug.

"If you want to..."

"Can we go?" He asks.

"I'll need to ask my dad to take the cover off, and I'm kind of not on speaking terms with him right now..." I sigh, texting one of my friends in England on my brand new iPhone. Which Rita partially paid for.

In a way, I'm freaked out, because leaving that much cash probably means it's Nate or something, but on the other hand I'm kind of... Proud that someone likes me enough to actually give me money for a new phone.

In a way, it's kind of heart-warming. It's cute.

Maybe it was Jean? I glance at him, also on his phone, looking oblivious to the world around him. Is it him? Right now, it doesn't look like it could be him, but he... No, it's not Jean.

"I can help you with it, if you want." He smiles. "That way you don't have to ask your dad and we can still go."

"I don't know..." I mutter.

"Come on, it's really hot!" He exclaims. "Please?"

"We can try and open it."

"You do know I have the same thing in France, right?" He smirks. "I can do it really quickly if you want me to." He chuckles, getting up. "Coming or not?"

"Do you have a swimming suit?"

"I have one at my place. I can go and get it and be back in ten."

"Okay, then go." I wave him off, and he pockets his phone, letting himself out of the house. I run up to my bedroom, and watching him jogging down the street and disappearing into a block of flats at the end of the road.

I reluctantly change into a bikini, a black and white one, and pull my hair out of my ponytail. I grab a couple of towels just in case he doesn't have one, pull on some shorts, and run to the basement where we keep some inflatables.

Okay, I know it sounds childish, but I really love these things. It's so much fun and so relaxing at the same time to just sit back on a floating device on the pool and daydream.

Daydream about my life not being the horror it is.

The doorbell rings and I rush upstairs, brushing my hair behind my shoulders before opening it. "Hey." He smiles. "Can I go change in the bathroom?"

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