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Spoiler Alert! this chapter gives away part of the ending of Dragon age: Inquisition. So if you haven't finished the game, go finish it and come back. But don't say I didn't warn you. Also, this work is based off my first playthrough character, an elven mage.

I was walking through solas' old room, soon to be the new baby's room. When he left, I opted not to take down the murals. I just couldn't let someone scrape it all away. It was too beautiful. Looking back, I was glad I didn't allow it, even if it was for different reasons. Cullen walked through the door connecting the room to his office.

"The baby's going to love it." I said as he wrapped his arms around my belly.

"Yes, she is." He agreed

"I miss him." I said.

"I know."

We stood staring and marveling at the artwork, and missing Solas. I was walking around Skyhold, checking in on everyone while they're here, and such, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar face. When I turned, I saw Solas walking in the door to skyhold, I screamed, alerting everyone to his presence. I ran over as fast as I could being almost 35 weeks pregnant. When I reached him, I threw my arms around him.

"I thought you weren't coming back." I whispered in his ear. A crowd has gathered by now, waiting to welcome Solas back to skyhold. "Come, everyone will want to know you're here." I said, but he shook his head.

"No, first, I must explain." I nodded, and he lead me to his old room.


"I love what you have done."

"Yes, well the baby needed a room, and I thought you weren't coming back, and I thought she would love the paintings and stories you painted, and I couldn't take them down. Not after you left." I said.

"So, your having a girl, then."


He nodded in understanding. I could tell he was trying to avoid the subject. "I missed you." I said.

"Yes, and now I must tell you why I was gone. You know the stories of the dread wolf, yes?" I nodded my head, though I didn't know why it was important.

"Of course. He's the god of rebellion, that locked away all the other gods out of his love of tricks, Fen'harel."

He nodded. "Well, I am the dread wolf." I nearly feel against the wall I was leaning against. "I locked away the gods, I slept for a 1000 years. Everything you've heard about me is true. And there is one more thing." I worried myself, not knowing how much worse it could get. "I gave Corypheus the elven orb he carried. It was mine. When I awoke from my slumber, I could not unlock it, so I gave it to him. I'm so sorry if I caused any distress. I am so, so sorry that I did these things. I wanted to fix them, fix my mistakes, but I only made them worse. I'm so sorry."

"Where were you." I said. "Where WERE YOU! Liliana sent out her most trusted and experienced spies and trackers. I searched the whole god damn fade, and no one could find you. So where THE HELL WERE YOU?!" I screamed. My anger, and disappointment, and frustration from the past year rearing its ugly head.

"I hid. There is a place I knew no one would be able to find me. I did not want you to find me. If you did, I'd have to explain, and I couldn't. Not at the time." He was almost in tears now. I had never seen him cry. It almost made him ungodly, almost human... almost.

"Liliana!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear me in her office three stories up. "Call for Cullen tell him to get his best soldiers down here."

"Yes inquisitor." I heard her say.

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