Chapter 2

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    I woke up early, took a shower, and got dressed in black pants and a loose red flannel. I put on my combat boots, I dried my hair, and made loose curls so that my hair wasn't so flat. Then I put some eyeliner and mascara on. I looked at myself in the mirror, and sighed, because I wasn't very confident about my body. Although I wasn't thin, I thought I looked okay. I walked downstairs rolling my sleeves a little, and saw my mom making breakfast. My dad was wrapped around my mom, and it was so cute. I looked at the table to see my brother rubbing his mate's belly. 

     "Morning everyone!" I said happily. I walked over and hugged my parents, and then I turned to Liam and his mate Molly. "Morning mama," I said winking at Molly. She blushed and looked down. I laughed, "How's the baby boy, Molly?" She looked up and smiled, Liam wrapped a protective arm around her. "He's great, he kicks a lot, especially when Liam touches my belly." I smiled and touched her belly, making Liam growl at me. "Calm down Liam, I want to rub her belly, and she has a baby in there!" Molly chuckled and grabbed my hand, gently rubbing my hand over her belly. 

    I felt a kick and screamed in excitement, "Aww he kicked!" Molly smiled at me and looked at Liam, who then planted kisses on her lips. Molly was young when she meet Liam, she was only 16, and he was 21. Now at 17, she was fully mated, and married. I hope when I meet my mate, it would be like this. My mom served breakfast, we ate, and cleaned up. Molly stayed seated, and she pouted, because she wanted to help, but couldn't. She was eight months pregnant, meaning that she was about to pop any minute. Liam was always worried about her, but Molly always reassured him that she was fine. 

     My mom was finished with her part of the party preparations, as were we, and now she was helping Molly get ready. Our guests would be arriving in five minutes, so everyone was finishing up the last touches. I walked to the front gate, and saw that Matt and Ethan were standing there in their wolf forms. We needed wolves to protect the gates, and in addition to that, there were two other wolves outside the gate. They were our enforcers, our best fighters, and they were there to ensure that everything stayed calm. If any drama broke out, they would be ready. I nodded at Ethan and Matt, and then asked them "Hey guys, when are they due," through our mind link. Matt replied first, "Alpha said that they are going to be here in a couple of minutes." I nodded and Ethan spoke up, "Lyrica, I have a message from the beta, that he wants you there with the family when the alpha introduces everyone." I acknowledged him, and walked back to the pack house. I saw my alpha and his family, then my family, and behind them was the third and fourth in command with their families.

      I walked with my family and stood beside Molly, because Liam being future beta, had to stand next to the future alpha, who was Peter. Our alpha Derek, looked like he was having a conversation, and then turned to my dad, David, "They're here." My dad nodded and we all got ready to greet them. 

5 minutes later, the Black Knights pack finally arrived>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The doors opened, and we all saw the pack behind their alpha, his name was William Knight. He walked forward with his mate Olivia, and their kids. John was the oldest, and he was the future alpha. The second kid was a 17 year old girl named Sam, and lastly there was 13 year old Logan. Their alpha came forward, and my alpha did the same. "Welcome, Black Knights pack," said my alpha, shaking hands with William. He smiled in return, and they joked a little bit. Then, my alpha introduce us all. William's family was now settling in their room, while he introduced us to his pack. Our pack's beta and the third and fourth in command had to stay with our alpha.

    Alpha William was introducing his beta, when a family walked in. A man and a woman were with their two sons. I didn't pay much attention to them. William introduced them, "This is my beta Jonah, his mate Lillian, and their sons. This is their 15 year old Kevin, and our future beta, Jiro." My alpha smiled and greeted them, and then proceeded to introduce his family. After that he started introducing my family, "This is my beta David, his mate Heidi, and our future beta Liam, and that is his mate, Molly." Molly was cute, she did a little wave, and then sat back down. I didn't blame her, she must've been tired. My alpha continued, "and that is the beta's daughter, Lyrica." I looked up to smile, when I caught the gaze of Jiro, and I gasped... It was then that I knew, that he was my mate! 

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