Chapter 11

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Lyrica's POV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I didn't know why I was crying, okay maybe I did, but I couldn't help myself. I was supposed to have a loving family. All I wanted was my mate to accept me, so we could live out our happily ever after. It seemed that fate had other ideas, and it mated me to this wolf. Now here he was, trying to have his way with me, even though I wasn't into it, plus I was in my wolf skin, gross!

Don't worry, I'm still going to update more of this chapter :) keep voting

I felt him move from me a bit that gave me a change to move a little from him to sit up, I was shooting daggers at him when he shifted to look at me. "Lyrica, I know I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of big mistakes" he gave me this pleading look that scream please understand, but I was too fucking annoyed with him so I continue to glare he sighed. " I'm sorry I was a pierce of shit to you, I should have been there through your pregnancy, I should have been there for you as a mate to show you love and support, I'm so sorry I wasn't there when our son was born and most importantly I'm sorry I wasn't the mate you deserve. So please Lyrica give a chance to show you I can still be that mate for you, to be Grayson's father."

I was being shocked and mainly speechless my breathing coming in fast in pants how would I know he's telling the truth, I mean by looking at him he looked so sincere and sad but I couldn't let my guard so easily. "I think he's telling the truth" Zaara said quietly I sighed my brain feels like it's melting.

So I did the best thing in this situation "Jiro I need time" and with that I took off running back to the house towards my room and shut it, locking it for good measurement, all I could think "This is a mess"

Once in my room I decided to shower I need a shower, I knew after a shower I'll feel better. plus shower time is my thinking time, but even then after washing my hair and scrubbing my body I just stood under the hot water thinking. what if Jiro was telling me the truth, what if he meant what he said I'm scared he'll hurt me but I want Grayson to have his father he's my mate.

After sighing with myself I turn off the water and was going to ready for reality, I went to my stuff and put my undergarments on then reach for a pair of dark blue jeans then a loose faded blue shirt it's comfy. I want to be comfy I dry my hair and straighten my hair once done I went to look for my son.

I didn't know where exactly where my son was, all I knew he was with my mom so that's the first person I'll be looking for, but the universe had other plans...I bumped into Jiro. I look up and saw he to was looking at me but this time with concern.

"I could feel you feel worry and stress, are you okay?" hm my cheating mate wants to know if I'm okay?! you know almost trying to rape me ,then leave me to carry a baby then give birth and all that good shit and he has the nerve to ask me if I'm okay?!

I smirked "I'm awesome,just trying to find my son" I push pass him only for him to grip my arm and pull me back. "Our, our son. he's our son also my son" I don't know why I felt a surge of happiness run through me, at least he loves our son, I had to smile at that.

Hey guys!! Sorry for these lame short updated I'm having writer's blog and it's not just this story but "Sacrifice" too :( DO NOT WORRY!!! I will fix it just give me time :) please continue to vote an comment nothing negative please until then love you guys!!!!

Jiro POV>>>>>>>>>

After Lyrica ran off saying she needed time,I decided I knew what I had to do to fix this mess. Walking through her pack house looking for a certain someone, I found the person once I caught the scent and follow it to a study. There I found Lyrica's dad and being a shitty mate that I am, I didn't know what his name was, but still calling him beta is still good.

Walking up to him and bowing showing my respect "Excuse me for bothering sir, but I wish to discuss something with you. If you don't mind,me asking sir." her dad closed a book he was reading, now stating at me "Not at allow Jiro, what is it?"

What's Jiro gonna ask Lyrica's dad? Aha :)

Lyrica POV>>>>>>

Finally I found my mom!! She was in the living with the other moms talking about children grandchildren all that good mom stuff aha, I don't say much to her I just pick up my little boy, and walk away. Grayson was acting whimpering I sniff oh someone needs a changing, I walk to my room and lay he down I change his diaper then removing his dirty shirt.

Once I got the shirt I blew on his tummy hearing his giggles and waving his arms around, ah I love this kid and I made him! "Grayson how would you feel about another baby so soon?" he just looked at me and smiled "Okay is that a yes or no kiddo?" Laughing with him, I take a look at him, like really look at him. Grayson looks just like his daddy only he has my color hair, "You better not grown up into a heart breaker" I giggle to him, yeah my son is going to be a handsome man without a doubt.

Jiro POV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Are you insane?! or very stupid!" David yelled at me I sighed he may thinks this is ridiculous but I don't "Please Beta David, I know what I did was bad and wrong. But this way I can fix it now and I know this is the right thing to do"

Lyrica's dad was snarling and pacing back and forth,running his hand through his hair he looked lost in thought. "I just thought I would tell you cause I want it soon and fast, then we leave." David stop pacing and looked at me if I grown a wolf out my ass.

"Are you fucking mad?! No! No! I can't let that happen!" Caine was getting mad and so was I "Shall I discuss this with Alpha Peter and my Alpha? you know the law you can't break it" David looked defeated and slumped his shoulders and sat down "Beta David please I'm trying to do the right thing for her and my son, I need to do this for her. I need her."

Beta David sighed then looked up to me "How soon are we talking about" a smile ran across my mouth "What day is it?" David took his phone out and looked "It's Tuesday" I thought about it the sooner the better.

"Saturday it will happen." I tell him.

You guys I love you!!! you voting just makes my day :) please continue to vote I'll be writing chapter 12 soon so no worries also comment I would love to hear whatcha ya thinking :D no negative shit I won't tolerate that it's just rude as fuck. ANYWAY WHAT DO YOU THINK JIRO WAS TALKING ABOUT WITH LYRICA'S DAD AHAHA STAY TONE!!!!

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