Chapter 8

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I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen, where I picked up a plate and poured myself some food. I needed to eat so my pup could eat too. Why buy milk when I have enough for him? I was lost in my thoughts as I walked back into the room where my mom was. "Hey mom, where is Liam and Molly and their son?" As I ate my food, my mom turned to me, "Oh honey, Liam and Molly are upstairs right now, in their house. It's only a five minute walk from here." I nodded and finished up my food. I walked outside and around the house to find Liam's house. As I walked by not much had changed, kids were still running around with the other pack's kids. Teenagers were finding their mates and sneaking kisses here and there, the normal stuff, I smiled, damn I really missed this.

I approached their house and stood there staring. I was proud of Liam, the future beta of our pack. He found his mate, and now they had a newborn son. I couldn't be happier for him, just then the door opened. Molly came out with a laundry basket, "Liam watch Godric while I put the clothes out to dry!" She gave her orders while walking down the steps, until she looked up and saw me. At first she just stared and stared, and then trembled. She suddenly started to sob really hard, and run out to me, crushing me in a hug. "Lyrica! Lyrica, you're really back! Oh my god you're back! Liam! come here!" I was hugging her back crying, I had no idea that I meant that much to Molly. Liam came out holding an adorable baby boy, little Godric, "What's wrong Molly?" He was shouting as usual, until he saw me and paused. He walked down the stairs crying, and Molly opened her arms to get Godric. When Liam's arms were free, he wrapped his arms around me and and crushed me. "Thank god!" he pulled away, "Where the hell did you go?! Why didn't you tell me?! You had everyone worried?! I'm glad you're back." I laughed and told him the whole story.

In the end, both Molly and Liam were mad about Jiro, while I cuddled little Godric close to me He looked like Liam, but had Molly's eyes. He was beautiful. "Guys it's fine, It's not like I'm going to take him back right away. I just want Grayson to know his father you know? I want him to know who his daddy is, and I already know he wants his father sometimes and his grandparents.  They have the right to see Grayson too." They both nodded, "I still don't like him though, what a dick!" Molly said, crossing her arms over her chest. Liam wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. I smiled, this is what I want from my mate, a loving family. Soon after we said our goodbyes, and I went back to the party.

I had fun talking with friends and family, and a couple of times I saw Jiro flirting with another she wolf. I was not surprised to see that it was Becky the slut. Her mate was killed 2 years ago, which only made her happy, because that allowed her to sleep with any guy that she wanted. So I wasn't surprised to see her throwing herself at him. That made me mad, and Zaara was growling. Suddenly something changed, and Zaara went into full control, because Jiro was letting Becky the slut bag hold our Grayson! At that, I went charging!

I ran there and pulled Grayson away from her grasp. "Like what the hell Lryica?!" Becky snapped. I growled at her, pulling Grayson closer to me, and baring my teeth at her. "He's my pup! How dare you hold him?" I turned to Jiro and growled at him, which made him mad, and growl back at me. I growled louder, baring my teeth to him too, "And how dare you? You let some slut hold our son? I was stupid to think your ass would change. You'll get to see Grayson in my room alone during visiting hours." I walked away without hearing another growl, but a hand grabbed my wrist, I turned to see that it was Jiro, "He's my pup too, and I will see my damn pup when I want to!" I yanked my wrist back and walked away.

I walked over to my mom, she saw how mad I was so she pulled out a piece of cheesecake. She took Grayson and smiled at me. I sighed, my mom knew me better than anybody else. I ate my cheesecake happily and decided I was going to go to bed. I went to look for my mom, I walked down the stairs and went into the hallway to see if I could find her. Suddenly one door opened and a hand pulled me in. The door shut and locked, and then I was pushed hard up against the wall by Jiro. "You drive me so insane," he said pressing his body on me. I gasped, god it felt good. He was panting hard, and I was too, his chest was pressed up against my chest. I gulped, he looked down at me, and then at my lips.

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