Why me (NaLu)

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Why me?

Why me of all the people?

Why did it have to be me?

Why was this world against me?

Why, when everything felt so right it turned out wrong?

Why did so many people hate me?





Why was i the one that was hurt in the end?

Why was i the with the broken spirit and the broken heart?

Why when I lost all hope, i find something that keep me going but in the end makes me feel worse?

Why don't I ever learn from my mistakes?

Why do i feel so hopeless?

So of all the questions i will ever ask the one i want answered is... Why me?

Some people call it fate.

Some people call it destiny.

Call it what u want, in the end the fairy tale doesn't have a happy ending.

Fantasy, Hopes, and dreams aren't real.

And I want to thank the one pink haired dragon slayer who pulled me out of an illusion and back into reality.

Hardship, Fear, and Sadness is all that awaits u, and Death is ur best friend.

Whoever finds this letter please pass this to the Guild Fairy Tail.

Thank You

-Lucy Heartfilia

P.S. Don't try searching for me... Dont waste ur energy... I'm probably long gone if you ever find this.



(A/N : u r lucky this is a too short or else I'd probably end it here)














Levy put down the letter, the guild was shocked.

Nobody spoke, nobody moved, nobody had realized that Lucy was gone.

In the back one salmon haired dragon slayer slammed his fist into the wall


"Do you know when this was written Levy?" Master asked.

"It was written 1 month ago." Levy started crying

"A whole month and we haven't realized Lucy was gone?!" Natsu asked getting louder and louder with each word.

"Well you wouldn't have known Flame Brain. You were busy playing lovey dovey with Lisanna!" Gray shouted.

The guild gasped at Gray's sudden outburst. Everyone looked around, luckily Lisanna had gone home a few hours ago.

"What did you do to her Natsu?" Erza walked up to Natsu and was about to give him a good beating when Levy started rummaging in her bag.

Levy opened her bag. "She also left individual letters to 4 of us and a parcel for Natsu!"

She passed the packages to the respected parties; Happy,The Master, and Natsu.

(A/N: Levy has a note too but she didnt give one to herself so ya)

Levy opened her letter it said.

Dear Levy-chan,

I want to thank you for being such a good bestfriend, I screwed up bad didnt I? Ahh well I want you to keep everyone from looking for me, it's a waste of time and energy. I mean, if you ever find this than I've probably been gone for a long time. You're probably fine without me, thanks for being such a good friend. Arigato Sayonnara.


P.S. Please help Freed put a barrier on Natsu, I know he won't listen to anything.

Everyone was waiting for Levy's reaction. They waited until she finished the letter. She looked up from the letter and asked for Freed.

He looked at the letter and understood what she wanted.

Next Happy read his letter.

Hey Happy,

You mustn't let anyone else read this, I have instructions for you. I want you to let Natsu read his note when u think he's ready, until then I give you permission to hide his note. He's allowed to open the parcel.. Happy, I trust you and u are going to be the only one who knows where I am. I felt guilty not telling anyone so I decided to tell you. I am with the dragons, that's all you need to know, tell Natsu good luck with Lisanna for me. Not like he's thinking about me. Don't worry I'll be back in 10 years... Dragon time. It should only be 5 years over there. Bye Happy... Arigato... Sayonara!

-Lucy Heartfilia

Right then and there Happy flew over to Natsu and took the letter. He ran out the guild hall crying. Levy and Freed sealed Natsu in side the guild for now. They would have to get a better rune up later.

Master opened his card.

Dear Master,

Things have went by so quickly, I've only been in Fairy Tail for 2 years if you don't count Tenroujima... I have already erased my guild mark. Please don't try to look for me, I am long gone and I promise you won't find me until I want you to. Please take care of everyone. and thank you for being there when I needed you. I will forever be in your debt. Will see you soon. I hope.

-Lucy Heartfilia

P.S. Please keep watch over Natsu.

Inside the envelope was a picture of Lucy getting her guild stamp.

Natsu was still mad at Happy but he opened his parcel, inside was 1000000 jewels and a note saying. Don't come after me Natsu, best wishes for u and Lisanna. I'm sorry, you'll probably need this more than me.

Natsu just threw the parcel to the side and yelled.

"LUCY WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"


... I was thinking of doing a one shot... Lets just say nvm to that... I sorry *cry* i cant do one shots i have to make a story... Anyways i would want to put the long Authors note at the top but it would mess the timing up... I wanted to make it sound mysterious

I'm really bad at grammar and spelling/ spelling and spelling.. did I forget spelling... oh and SPELLING LOLZ sorry 4 that =P

I'm really sorry if my Fan Fiction sounds like urs... Plz don't sue me... I rather erase the part or rewrite it... Gomenesai

DISCLAIMER: BTW Fairy Tail doesn't belong to me

I literally have no idea when I'm gonna update... I rather it take long than it be crappy... I write these on my phone... There are a whole lot of things i cant do on my phone... Thats why i say expect editing... So this is like the raw version and I gonna add stuff so it makes more sense...

I also added a video... I love this NaLu video... please watch it

Any ways i hope u liked it

Feedback is always appreciated... When school starts I might update less often just FYI

(Edited 12/14/2013)

~AWH >^.^<

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